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Folder Events

Events mentioned in this section will only be events that take place in Belgium.

We will create in the near future a special page that will capture automatically events posted on other sites, however for the time being some sites do not give us the possibility to do this.

If you want to have your conference, seminar, excursion and other included in the list you can have it added in 2 ways:

  • Create your username and password to the site through the login page and add yourself your event. Your event will only be visible after approval by the webmaster.
  • Send your event to webmaster-chm(at)

Some sites with events: Natuurpunt, Natagora

All events:

Type Title Location
Event [23/05/2020 - 24/05/2020] Go on safari in and around your home Your home
Event [09/03/2020] Symposium: From Ecology to Conservation Universiteit Antwerpen, Campus Drie Eiken, Room R.004
Event [02/03/2020] Biodiversity Conservation in DR Congo: challenges and opportunities for Kahuzi-Biega National Park Auditorium Filmzaal, Campus Aula
Event [14/02/2020] Synthesys Seminar : Origin and Evolution of Western Pacific Eumolpinae Klein auditorium
Event [06/12/2019] Biodiversity and Health in the Tropics Palais des Académies
Event [03/12/2019 - 04/12/2019] Dead or Alive: Towards a Sustainable Wildlife trade - One World One Health recommendations Residence Palace
Event [19/11/2019 - 20/11/2019] LifeWatch Belgium Users & Stakeholders Meeting RBINS
Event [05/11/2019] Belgian One Health Network - Launching Event (Save the Date) Africa Museum
Event [24/10/2019] How human activities cause biodiversity loss : Interactions and relative contributions of human activities; What do we know, what do we need to know ? Auditoire Socrate (SOCR11)
Event [08/10/2019] Making an IMPACT: Putting protected areas at the heart of EU policies for the sustainable development of regions and cities. Brussels Convention Centre
Event [06/10/2019] KU Leuven presents MOOCs on Sustainable Development Irish College, Leuven,
Event [02/10/2019] Lectures on atmosphere, ocean and climate in the 21st century Palais provincial
Event [27/09/2019] Save the Date: They’re Not Alright, They’re Finite! The Red List status of Europe’s understudied species
Event [30/07/2019] the biotalent project - innovative education, the best investment to increase engagement in science RBINS
Event [17/06/2019 - 19/06/2019] The EU Biodiversity Strategy beyond 2020 Augustinian Monastry
Event [14/06/2019] Pre-annoucement: Annual ALTIUS Agrifood Law Seminar
Event [24/05/2019] Stakeholder Consultation on the Final Evaluation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 Rooms JDE 51 and JDE52
Event [23/05/2019 - 24/05/2019] Conference on “Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services”: A common agenda to 2020 and beyond
Event [19/05/2019] Anniversaire de Natura 2000 - 19 mai 2019 - Han-sur-Lesse Domaine des Grottes de Han
Event [09/05/2019] DSI info day: how will ‘digital sequence information’ (DSI) be addressed under the Convention on Biological Diversity? will we share the benefits on a world-wide scale? Herman Teirlinckgebouw – Auditorium
Event [25/04/2019] Des plantes comme outil de dépollution des eaux et du sol en zone urbaine - Phytoremédiation, entre eau, sol et savoirs partagés ? GC Esseghem
Event [25/04/2019 - 26/04/2019] Resistance is in the air: International interdisciplinary symposium Pianofabriek
Event [24/04/2019] Komt duurzame ontwikkeling eindelijk in het hart van de Belgische politiek? Senaat
Event [21/04/2019] Annual Phasma meeting Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [28/03/2019] Conférence du CFDD : Vers une mobilité plus efficace et durable Tour des Finances, Salle Pachéco
Event [22/03/2019] Biodiversiteit voor duurzame ontwikkeling: samen het tij keren. Naar een nieuwe strategie na 2020 Pachecozaal
Event [21/03/2019] La biodiversité, un atout pour votre entreprise ! salle Pacheco, Tour des Finances
Event [19/03/2019] OCEANS The Future of the Blue Planet European Parliament’s plenary chamber
Event [19/02/2019] Climate Change & Oceans Preservation Egmont Palace
Event [14/02/2019] KLIMOS-ACROPOLIS closure workshop KVAB
Event [11/12/2018] Ateliers de la Biodiversité: Journée de lancement Palais des Congrès de Liège
Event [10/12/2018] Ateliers de la Biodiversité: Soirée d'ouverture Auditoire Pedro Arrupe
Event [08/12/2018 - 09/12/2018] Wildeganzendagen in de Oostkustpolders T'Zwin Natuur Park
Event [12/10/2018] 25 jaar Federale Raad voor Duurzame Ontwikkeling ! The Residence Palace (Rond-point Schuman)
Event [11/10/2018] ENABLE Stakeholder Dialogue #1 Environmentally and socially just and resilient cities – What can blue and green infrastructure offer? Regional Office of Lodzkie
Event [05/10/2018] BEES Young Scientist Day 2018 Field Research Centre (FRC) and Ecotrons, Hasselt University, in Connecterra
Event [05/10/2018] Welke definitie van “groen” voor de financiering van de transitie in België ?
Event [04/10/2018] Natuur op Verwijzing Flanders Meeting & Convention Center Antwerp (Historical Wing)
Event [01/10/2018] IPBES Belgian Uptake event Herman Teirlinck building
Event [24/09/2018] Kilombero and Lower Rufiji Wetlands Ecosystem and Management Project (KILORWEMP): challenges and contributions of the project to sustainable Natural Resource & Wetland Ecosystem Management ENABEL
Event [19/09/2018] Food safety: a critical part of the food system in Africa ACP Secretariat
Event [10/09/2018 - 14/09/2018] Technology Transfer and Access and Benefit-Sharing for Genetic Resources: Training Course Ghent University, Faculty of Law and Criminology
Event [26/06/2018] Workshop on Conservation and Management of Sharks at International level The Spanish Permanent Representation to the EU
Event [15/06/2018] ALTIUS Annual agri-food law seminar Les Ateliers
Event [29/05/2018] "Nurturing nature for sustainable cities and regions Implementing the Nature Directives in cities and regions: Nature-Based Solutions for key urban challenges" European Committee of the Regions, Room JDE 52
Event [28/05/2018] Conférence-Conferentie : Abeilles en ville-Bijen in de stad Bruxelles-Environnement - Tour & Taxis - Salle BEL
Event [28/05/2018] Biodiversity for Development - A way forward to the SDGs (5 years of the CEBioS programme) Grand auditorium, RBINS
Event [17/05/2018] Biodiversiteit en je bord Plantentuin Meise
Event [29/04/2018] Phasma Meeting 2018 Grand Auditorium
Event [24/04/2018] Making use of climate services to improve development projects and programmes DGD, Room DR08
Event [23/04/2018] Droit de cité pour la biodiversité ­— La nature à Bruxelles Etat des lieux et des enjeux de la biodiversité bruxelloise Bruxelles-Environnement - Tour & Taxis - Salle BEL
Event [18/04/2018] Plastique dans l’océan – Quel est le problème et que pouvons-nous faire? Grand Auditorium
Event [17/04/2018] Plastic in de oceaan - Wat is het probleem en wat kunnen we doen? Grand Auditorium
Event [11/04/2018] Plastic pollution in our ocean – Tackling a mammoth task Grand Auditorium
Event [23/03/2018] Plants in a changing world The 4th Annual Meeting on Plant Ecology and Evolution (AMPEE4) Bouchout Castle, Botanic Garden Meise
Event [20/03/2018] Private enterprises, NGOs and government for green energy and conservation: Better together? DGD, Room DR08
Event [20/03/2018] Insects for food, feed and food security CAPA-building (3th floor, room 33)
Event [01/03/2018] Sourcing while respecting biodiversity: the case of food The Residence Palace (Rond-point Schuman)
Event [16/01/2018] Exploring the impact of climate change on the Belgian development cooperation: use & design of scenarios DGD, Room DR08
Event [23/11/2017] Tijdelijke natuur: een veilige haven voor bedrijf en natuur
Event [26/10/2017] FRDO-conferentie : klimaatverandering en gezondheid Senaat
Event [24/10/2017] The Belgica expedition 1897 - 1899. A scientific success poorly known outside Belgium Grand Auditorium
Event [29/09/2017] Enteprendre contre le faim: le rôle du secteur privécomme acteur clé pour la réalisation de ODD2 dans les pays du Sud
Event [29/06/2017] Sustainability Now, Necessity and Opportunity ! Room Felix Cattier, Fondation Universitaire/Universitaire Stichting
Event [21/06/2017] Building sustainable food systems for the 21st Century: the potential of diversified agroecological farming. External Cooperation Infopoint
Event [14/06/2017] Synthesis seminar "Echo from the skulls: how echolocation parameters are related to cranial morphology in bats?" Small Auditorium, RBINS
Event [27/05/2017 - 04/06/2017] Semaine des insectes / insectenweek België
Event [15/05/2017] Colloquium Wie doet wat voor bijen? Grand Auditorium, RBINS
Event [30/04/2017] 59th Phasma Meeting Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [26/04/2017] Change of Date !!!!!! Workshop on "The Challenges of the Nagoya Protocol Faculté de Droit et de criminologie, Auditoire More 57
Event [20/04/2017] Tackling climate, fragility & finance challenges for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Egmont Palace
Event [23/03/2017] Symposium on Climate Change and Climate Adaptation. The consequences of climate changes in the South. How do we protect our (development) projects? Auditorium Louis Roppe, Oude Gevangenis
Event [21/03/2017] Groen en gezondheid PXL-Congress -
Event [22/02/2017] Symposium on Citizen Science Ledeganckcomplex UGent
Event [07/02/2017] Public lecture and debate: 'Can industrial logging and nature conservation be allies in Central Africa?' Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Event [07/02/2017] Conference: "From exploration to exploitation: scientific opportunities and imperatives in the deep sea" Université Catholique du Louvain
Event [06/02/2017 - 10/02/2017] “(re)connecting tropical biodiversity in space and time” European Conference of Tropical Ecology Campus Etterbeek
Event [23/01/2017] 30 years of banana diversity hosted in Belgium A treasure chest to feed the world Arenbergkasteel
Event [19/12/2016 - 21/12/2016] symposium on Eco-Evolutionary dynamics and Flanders Annual Meeting of Ecology Auditories 3 and 4, Campus Ledeganck
Event [16/12/2016 - 17/12/2016] Nature Conservation in a Changing World: Annual Zoology Congress 2016 Stadscampus of the University of Antwerp
Event [15/12/2016] What can we ZOO for you?! Darwin Hall, Antwerp ZOO
Event [07/12/2016 - 08/12/2016] EKLIPSE Conference Auditorium, Royal Belgian Institut of Natural Sciences
Event [29/11/2016] Green Growth, Green Jobs: Promoting Solutions Towards Better Sustainability and Competitiveness Thon Hotel
Event [26/11/2016] Mineral Extraction versus Ecology Auditorium, Royal Belgian Institut of Natural Sciences
Event [07/11/2016 - 10/11/2016] North Sea Open Science Conference
Event [26/10/2016] "Légumineuses : quelle place dans les systèmes agricoles ?". Maison de la Ruralité
Event [25/10/2016] Smart Cities in Europe: Promoting Sustainability, Innovation and Cooperation Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre
Event [17/10/2016] Colloque « Les espèces exotiques envahissantes : un nouveau défi pour la Wallonie et pour l'Europe » Acinapolis de Jambes
Event [12/10/2016 - 14/10/2016] Conference "Passion for Nature" Integrated Governance – Mainstreaming Opportunities for Nature & Society Centerparcs de Vossemeren, Lommel, Belgium
Event [06/10/2016 - 07/10/2016] OneHealth/EcoHealth survey - integrated health frameworks Belgian Science Policy
Event [29/09/2016] Symposium 15 jaar Natuur.focus: Focus op biodiversiteitsbehoud. Bieden nieuwe technologieën en innovatieve concepten de oplossing? Thomas More Hogeschool Mechelen, Campus De Vest,
Event [28/09/2016] EFSI 2.0 - The EU Investment Plan for Europe: a Boost to the Green Economy? Roundtable Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [19/09/2016 - 23/09/2016] European Ecosystem Services conference Aula rector Dhanis
Event [31/05/2016] UNESCO Science Report: Towards 2030 Paul-Henri Spaak Building
Event [31/05/2016] Making money through landscape restoration: How nature-based solutions can make the countryside thrive Belgian Science Policy Office
Event [30/05/2016 - 03/06/2016] Greenweek 2016: "Investments for a greener future"
Event [20/05/2016] CBD+20 - Invitation to the 20 years anniversary of the Belgian ratification with us RBINS
Event [19/05/2016] Sustainable and green cities in the South DGD, Room DV01,
Event [06/04/2016] Boosting Biodiversity Research Cooperation: A NetBiome Roadmap for European (sub)Tropical Overseas Room ASP 5E2
Event [23/03/2016] Symposium: Eco-Evolutionary research in Flanders: Concepts, model systems and analytical tools Large lecture room (Groot auditorium), RBINS
Event [09/03/2016] En route vers le zéro pesticide Réduire les pesticides et accueillir la nature sur les voiries bruxelloises Salle des conférences de l'Hôtel communal de Woluwe-Saint-Lambert
Event [01/03/2016] MIDIS / développement - Intégrer le genre dans les projets de coopération académique : Pourquoi ? Comment ? ARES
Event [16/02/2016] the 2016 European Circular Economy Conference Thon Hotel EU
Event [11/02/2016 - 10/04/2016] Cours en ligne 'Ressources naturelles et développement durable -- Février-Mars 2016 Internet
Event [28/01/2016] Altitudinal stratification of beetles in the tropical rainforests of northern Australia and Papua New Guinea Small auditorium
Event [23/01/2016] Belgische Vogeldag 2016 Drie Eikencampus
Event [15/12/2015] Steden in transitie : duurzamer en koolstofarm! Jaarforum FRDO-CFDD Gotische zaal, stadhuis Brussel
Event [15/12/2015] 2nd BEES Christmas Market Academy Palace
Event [09/12/2015] Symposium on ''The impact of certification on biodiversity in smallholder coffee systems.' Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [04/12/2015] Africa in Profile 2015 – Launch of the French version of the Soil Atlas of Africa Thermotechnisch Instituut, morning session; Campusbibliotheek Arenberg for official opening
Event [26/11/2015] La biodiversité et le développement, un héritage global Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen
Event [25/11/2015] "Fertilité des sols : échanges autour de pratiques innovantes et défis pour l’accompagnement des agriculteurs familiaux en Wallonie et dans les pays du Sud" Maison de la Ruralité
Event [24/11/2015 - 25/11/2015] Primates en Danger Salle Delvaux
Event [20/11/2015] On the origin and early evolution of sea turtles (Synthesis Seminar) Small auditorium
Event [13/11/2015] Derde seminarie over de rol van bos en energie in klimaatsmitigatie en de stand van zaken in de klimaatsonderhandelingen zaal DR08, DGD
Event [30/10/2015] ‘Livestock: Feed and Food’: Are livestock eating the world? ‘Het Pand’, room Rector Blancquaert
Event [27/10/2015] De regelgevende samenwerking in het TTIP – Welke gevolgen voor duurzame ontwikkeling? Zaal Storck, FOD Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Sociaal overleg
Event [27/10/2015] Symposium "Smart Cities: Supporting an Innovative and Sustainable Development of Urban Areas" Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre
Event [13/10/2015] EU ABS Regulation Training Workshop De Duve Institute
Event [02/10/2015] Use of Genetic resources - the impact of a new regulatory framework on your R&D activities Technopolis
Event [01/08/2015 - 02/08/2015] Het Grote Vlinderweekend In je tuin
Event [22/06/2015] Beyond Enforcement: The role of communities in tackling illegal wildlife trade Room PHS 1C 047, European Parliament
Event [11/06/2015] De inzet van Addis Abeba Zaal 2, Financietoren
Event [07/06/2015] World Ocean Day 2015 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [06/06/2015] World Oceans Day 2015: Sea festival 'Zoutbad' in Ostend CC De Grote Post
Event [03/06/2015 - 05/06/2015] 2015 Green Week : Nature and Biodiversity The Egg Conference Centre
Event [21/05/2015] Empowering Biodiversity Research (Conference)
Event [09/05/2015 - 10/05/2015] World Migratory Bird Day Different places
Event [05/05/2015] Green Infrastructure: A European Success Story Bâtiment Jacques Delors
Event [05/05/2015] Conference on Wildlife Charlemagne Building
Event [05/05/2015] Health and Species protection: converging or diverging objectives? Charlemagne Building
Event [04/05/2015] Marc Pallemaerts Memorial Conference on Human Rights and the Environment Fondation Universitaire
Event [23/04/2015] Synthesys seminar "A dwarf water cobra, Naja (Boulengerina) from the Congo Basin. A new species or a case of polymorphism?" Royal Museum for Central Africa
Event [22/04/2015] Green Infrastructure Futures: from planning to delivery Maritime Museum
Event [08/04/2015] Comment les citoyens peuvent-ils contribuer à la Trame verte et bleue? Halle Pajol
Event [02/04/2015] What's up with invasive alien species ? BELSPO
Event [30/03/2015 - 31/03/2015] New paradigms for food security and natural resources Auditorium Barb94
Event [14/02/2015] Ontmoetingsdag in het teken van exotische liefde voor en in de natuur
Event [29/01/2015] Conference on the Management of Natural Resources in Sub-Saharan Africa: wildlife, minerals and borders European Parliament, room ASP 5E1
Event [14/01/2015] Séminaire "Financer l'adaptation au changement climatique dans les pays en développement : comment faire en pratique ?" ULB, IGEAT, Campus du Solbosch, Bâtiment D, 6ème étage, salle D.B.6.133
Event [12/12/2014 - 13/12/2014] Zoology 2014, the 21st Benelux congress of Zoology Institute of Zoology (building number I1)
Event [11/12/2014] Conférence "Océan: risques et opportunités" Palais des Congrès, Liège
Event [09/12/2014] Virunga, a film by Orlando Von Einsiedel (19:00-22:00) BOZAR Cinema
Event [05/12/2014] Presentation "Problématique de l'exploitation de viande de brousse dans la région forestière de Kisangani (R.D. Congo)" RBINS
Event [28/11/2014] Symposium "Entomology in Belgium" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [05/11/2014] Animal biodiversity and family farming: facts from the field
Event [21/10/2014 - 23/10/2014] origine-et-evolution-des-eucaryotes-cours-conference Item only translated in French/Belgium Palais des Académies
Event [26/09/2014] European protected areas: Why do they matter in the global context? The EU contribution to the IUCN World Parks Congress 2014 Committee of the Regions
Event [24/09/2014] Joint meeting of the F.N.R.S. Contact Group PRIMATOLOGY and the BELGIAN GROUP for PRIMATOLOGY RBINS
Event [23/09/2014] Natuur en bos - VVOR-Basisopleiding Omgevingsrecht 2014 Holiday Inn Gent Expo
Event [01/09/2014 - 06/09/2014] European Meeting of PhD Students in Evolutionary Biology Floreal Club
Event [23/06/2014] La Coopération belge au Développement et l’Environnement Palais d’Egmont, Salle Arenberg
Event [13/06/2014] Scoping meeting “Honey Bees, Indicator of Health and the Environment” BelSPO
Event [10/06/2014] Samen naar 2050 Pacheco Center
Event [08/06/2014] Walk for nature
Event [07/06/2014 - 15/06/2014] Semaine bio
Event [03/06/2014 - 05/06/2014] Greenweek 2014: Conference on Circular economy – saving resources, creating jobs The Egg Conference Centre
Event [03/06/2014 - 05/06/2014] Semaine verte Egg Conference Centre
Event [03/06/2014] Alcoa Foundation - IUCN webinar series 2014: Success stories from NGOs on local sustainable action in Europe: Recycling
Event [01/06/2014] Fête de l’environnement Parc du Cinquentenaire - Jubelpark
Event [31/05/2014 - 01/06/2014] Ecotuindagen 2014
Event [24/05/2014 - 25/05/2014] Week-end Pelargonium Jardin botanique Meise - Plantentuin Meise
Event [22/05/2014] BGP Meeting of Primatology Large Auditorium Floor -1
Event [22/05/2014] Journée de la biodiversité - Agriculture et préservation de la biodiversité Gembloux Agro-BioTech - Auditoire de Géopédologie
Event [21/05/2014] Scharrelkids De Helix
Event [21/05/2014] Présentation de l'étude "L’impact social de la certification FSC dans le Bassin du Congo" BTC Conference Center - Espace Jacqmotte
Event [19/05/2014 - 24/05/2014] Semaine de l'abeille Chastre
Event [19/05/2014] Networking event sur la Stratégie nationale pour la biodiversité Muséum des Sciences naturelles
Event [18/05/2014] Dag van het Park
Event [18/05/2014] Jogging du Jardin botanique (Journée internationale de la biodiversité) W. Vandenberghecentrum
Event [16/05/2014] an Information Session on the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) BELSPO offices
Event [15/05/2014] Alcoa Foundation - IUCN webinar series 2014: Success stories from NGOs on local sustainable action in Europe: Biodiversity
Event [09/05/2014] Alcoa Foundation - IUCN webinar series 2014: Success stories from NGOs on local sustainable action for energy in Europe
Event [07/05/2014] Les 80 ans de Jane Goodall: conférence-célébration Théâtre National
Event [05/05/2014 - 09/05/2014] Low oxygen environments in marine, estuarine and fresh waters University of Liège
Event [26/04/2014] Printemps Grandeur Nature hall 2 du LEC ( Walexpo)
Event [02/04/2014 - 04/04/2014] Entomophagistes 2014 Université Catholique de Louvain
Event [01/04/2014] Towards a consolidated Network of Knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe European Parliament, Altiero Spinelli building,
Event [24/03/2014 - 25/03/2014] Beyond Economic Valuation: Alternative Ways to express the Value of Biodiversity in Science and Policy Royal Belgian Institut of Natural Sciences
Event [03/03/2014] 30 years CITES - Symposium (Pre-announcement)
Event [12/02/2014] Information session on Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), 2014 call for proposals Palace of the Academies – Troonzaal
Event [30/01/2014] The Green Economy Roadmap: A guide for business, policymakers and society Royal Academy of Belgium
Event [29/01/2014] Green Growth, Green Jobs: Integrating Employment and Environmental Policies Across Europe NH Hotel Grand Sablon
Event [29/01/2014 - 30/01/2014] 2014 SCIENCE POLICY SYMPOSIUM to support the implementation of the 2020 Biodiversity strategy and the EU Water Framework Directive Royal Belgian Institut of Natural Sciences
Event [22/01/2014] Poneromorph Ants of the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil: Diversity and Conservation Small auditorium, RBINS
Event [10/12/2013] Quel(s) marché(s) pour la biodiversité ? Atelier des Tanneurs
Event [09/12/2013] Colloque Territoires périurbains : développement, enjeux et perspectives dans les pays du Sud Espace Senghor, ULg-Gembloux Agro-Bio-Tech
Event [06/12/2013] Africa & Food: challenges, risks and opportunities Provinciehuis
Event [29/11/2013] Family farming: A dialogue towards more sustainable and resilient farming in Europe and the world
Event [26/11/2013 - 28/11/2013] Environmental impact of offshore windfarms - WinMon.BE 2013 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [20/11/2013 - 22/11/2013] Conference “Non-indigenous species in the North-East Atlantic” Hotel Royal Astrid
Event [18/11/2013 - 20/11/2013] Colloquium on “Positioning Academic Heritage. Challenges for Universities, museums and society in the 21st century.” The Culture - and Convention Centre ‘Het Pand’ of Ghent University
Event [05/11/2013 - 06/11/2013] Symposium Paul Duvigneaud: Vers une nouvelle synthèse écologique Université Libre de Bruxelles - Campus du Solbosch
Event [10/10/2013] Coopération au développement : où va la Belgique ? Salle Gothot, Bât. A1
Event [10/10/2013] Book launch of the Cities and Biodiversity Outlook - Scientific Analysis and Assessment Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [05/10/2013] Séminaire annuel : "L’Homme, la Nature et la Biodiversité" [2ème partie] Siège du Genévrier
Event [03/10/2013] Ecosystem Services lectures University of Antwerp, Grauwzusters (building S on the map)
Event [03/10/2013] Université d’Automne 2013 "Homme et nature : l’indispensable réconciliation" Espace UCM
Event [28/09/2013] Séminaire annuel : "L’Homme, la Nature et la Biodiversité" Siège du Genévrier
Event [25/09/2013] Project LIFE AlterIAS final conference - Early announcement Université de Gembloux Agro - Bio Tech, Espace Senghor
Event [24/09/2013] “Meeting the EU 2020 Biodiversity Targets: Mainstreaming Conservation” Room ASP 3E2
Event [13/09/2013] “Changing species in enduring niches: evolutionary stories from Lake Baikal (Siberia, Russia)" Small Auditorium
Event [24/08/2013] Nuit de la Chauve-souris 2013 Wallonie et Bruxelles
Event [04/07/2013 - 05/07/2013] Probing Vegetation Conference Radisson Blu Astrid Hotel
Event [25/06/2013] Analyse systémique des processus d’innovation dans les systèmes agraires de la région des Grands Lacs basés sur la culture de la banane CTB
Event [25/06/2013 - 28/06/2013] International Conference on Genomics in Europe Het Pand
Event [13/06/2013] Stakeholders dialogue sur l'avant-projet d'actualisation de la stratégie nationale pour la biodiversité jusqu'en 2020 Salle Dino VIP; Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique (IRScNB)
Event [11/06/2013] Symposium: ViBRANT tools for the DNA taxonomist Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [06/06/2013] Colloque "L’abeille, indicateur des écosystèmes" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [05/06/2013] Conference on protecting bees in the framework of BeeWeek 2013 Room PHS 4B001
Event [05/06/2013] Conference: European Agricultural Research towards greater impact on Global Challenges Egmont Palace
Event [04/06/2013] A seminar on Bees in the framework of the 2nd European BeeWeek Espace L.S. Senghor, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
Event [22/05/2013 - 25/05/2013] Célébration de la Journée internationale de la biodiversité à l'IRScNB Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences & Parc Léopold
Event [18/05/2013 - 19/05/2013] Nature Portes Ouvertes Wallonia, Brussels
Event [15/04/2013 - 18/04/2013] ALTER-Net Conference 2013: Science underpinning the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy Augustine Monastery
Event [22/03/2013] 2nd workshop sur la mise en œuvre en Belgique du Protocole de Nagoya sur l’Accès aux Ressources Génétiques et le Partage des Avantages en découlant (Acces and Benefit-Sharing – ABS) FOD Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Sociaal Overleg
Event [22/03/2013] International World Water Day
Event [20/03/2013 - 30/03/2013] La semaine sans pesticides Wallonie, Brussels
Event [19/03/2013] Environmental Sustainability in Africa : the case of the great lakes Vredeshuis
Event [16/03/2013] Journée des gestionnaires Auditoire SUD 19
Event [14/03/2013] Synthesys seminar: Aedeagal Tegmen - A key to the Melambiina phylogeny? Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [02/03/2013] Museum Night Fever at the Museum of Natural Sciences, Brussels Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [26/02/2013] Bee Health in Europe Room A3G2, European Parliament
Event [21/02/2013] Biodiversity's Ticking Time Bomb: Understanding and Addressing the Problem of Invasive Species in Europe Altiero Spinelli building, side Luxembourg station
Event [13/02/2013] Application of cytogenetics to discriminate ant cryptic species Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [31/01/2013] Conference: VIRUNGA, a story of beauty, conflict, courage and hope Auditorium van KBC
Event [31/01/2013 - 01/02/2013] Quelle transition pour nos sociétés ? 1er Congrès Interdisciplinaire du Développement Durable Palais des Congrès
Event [18/12/2012] BRAIN-be - Belgian Research Action Through Interdisciplinary Networks - Info & network session BELSPO
Event [12/12/2012 - 13/12/2012] CETAF workshop: "Legal aspects of shipping preserved animals and tissues" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [12/12/2012 - 13/12/2012] 20 Years of Habitats Directive: European Wildlife's Best Hope KBC building, Auditorium 3th floor
Event [11/12/2012] Joint meeting of the BGP (Belgian Group for Primatology) and the FNRS " Primatologie " Contact Groupe Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [07/12/2012] Symposium: "Entomology in Belgium 2012" Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen
Event [05/12/2012] Public hearing "Honey, bees and beekeeping - Challenges and opportunities in the E.U." Room PHS 4B001, European parliament
Event [04/12/2012] Séminaire : Agriculture itinérante sur brûlis en RDC The Egg Exploitation
Event [27/11/2012] Advances in bivalve sclerochronology and sclerochemistry Royal Belgium Institute of Natural Sciences, small auditorium
Event [17/11/2012 - 25/11/2012] The European Week for Waste Reduction Different locations in Belgium
Event [12/11/2012] “Brazil: Biodiversity and Sustainable Growth” Promotiezaal, Universiteitshallen
Event [10/11/2012] "De parcs en jardins... de friches en potagers... de prairies en forêt... la flore bruxelloise insolite " Auditorium du CiVA
Event [09/11/2012] The potential of agroecology: Reclaiming the food crisis European Parliament
Event [26/10/2012] Seminar entitled «Studies on Neotropical Clivinini (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Scaritinae)» Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [25/10/2012] Presentations on marine mammals RBINS
Event [22/10/2012 - 25/10/2012] EUROPARC Conference 2012 C-mine conference center
Event [19/10/2012 - 20/10/2012] 19th Benelux Congress of Zoology Université Libre de Bruxelles
Event [17/10/2012] "Les services écosystémiques : outil pour un développement territorial durable ?" Auditorium du CiVA
Event [16/10/2012] Land Sharing vs. Land Grabbing North Rhine-Westphalia Representative Office to the European Union
Event [12/10/2012 - 21/10/2012] 18th edition of the Namur Nature Festival Acinopolis
Event [29/09/2012] Grande Fête des Jeunes et de la Nature 2012 Domaine Provincial de Mirwart
Event [20/09/2012 - 21/09/2012] Better interfacing EU research projects and EU policy-making – Lessons learned and way forward Brussels, Belgium
Event [18/09/2012] Workshop Biodiversity Research:Towards enhanced support for nature-based solutions European Parliament, Brussels
Event [17/09/2012 - 21/09/2012] Third European Congress for the Barcode of Life - ECBOL3 Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts
Event [12/09/2012] We have connections to nature Conference Demo Vert 2012
Event [11/09/2012 - 14/09/2012] 9th International Phytotechnology Society (IPS) Conference Hasselt University
Event [06/09/2012] Financing and biopiracy : The challenges of the next UN Biodiversity Summit (COP11, India) European Parliament
Event [25/08/2012] La Nuit européenne des Chauves-souris Brussels, Wallonie
Event [21/08/2012 - 27/08/2012] GYBN kick-off conference Berlin + Online participation
Event [20/08/2012 - 24/08/2012] 14th International Echinoderm Conference The Royal Academy of Sciences of Belgium
Event [04/08/2012 - 05/08/2012] Devine, qui papillonne au jardin ? Belgium
Event [12/07/2012] GTI seminar: Utilisation de l’imagerie digitale comme outil pour l’identification des espèces de fourmis Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [03/07/2012 - 08/07/2012] XIV European Congress of Ichthyology Van Beneden Institute
Event [23/06/2012 - 01/07/2012] Devine, combien d'hirondelles sont nos voisines ? Belgium
Event [19/06/2012] Integrated Pest Management - The Way Forward to Sustainable Agricultural Production Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [10/06/2012] World Ocean Day Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [05/06/2012] Conference "Green Economy, Solution for a Living Planet?" KVS, Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg
Event [03/06/2012] Fête de l'Environnement 2012 Parc du Cinquantenaire / Jubelpark
Event [22/05/2012] Belgian Group for Primatology meeting Gembloux Agro-Bio-Tech, Université de Liège, B-5030 Gembloux
Event [22/05/2012 - 25/05/2012] Green Week Charlemagne building
Event [21/05/2012 - 23/05/2012] BiodiversityKnowledge First Conference Belspo
Event [18/05/2012] FASCINATION OF PLANTS DAY 2012 Belgium
Event [12/05/2012 - 13/05/2012] Celebration of the World Migratory Bird Day in Belgium Zwin NatuurCentrum
Event [08/05/2012 - 24/06/2012] Objectif nature : exposition du concours photo ARGUS Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [03/05/2012] Workshop Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS) in Belgium Bâtiment Baudouin
Event [01/05/2012] L'aube des oiseaux 2012 Brussels, Wallonie
Event [27/04/2012] TEEBelgium D0 conference Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium
Event [29/03/2012] Synthesis seminar: "Ardipithecus and its associated fauna: A new window into early human evolution" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [27/03/2012] Soirée-débat "Changement climatique et climato-scepticisme" ULB
Event [27/03/2012] Synthesys Seminar: Southern Ocean hotspots of amphipod crustacean diversity. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [26/03/2012] 7th BEES workshop (Belgian Ecosystem Services) Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [24/03/2012 - 25/03/2012] Campagne nationale « What’s up ? Clean up ! » Belgium
Event [20/03/2012 - 30/03/2012] La Semaine sans Pesticides Belgium
Event [18/03/2012] Conference: Antarctica, a polar Eden Nationale Plantentuin van België
Event [15/03/2012] Colloque “Arbres d’alignement en ville : vecteurs de biodiversité !” Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis (FUSL), Auditoire 4
Event [10/03/2012] La Nuit de la Chouette 2012 Belgique
Event [06/03/2012 - 06/04/2012] Mirror to the world Balassi Institute, Cultural Service of the Embassy of Hungary
Event [03/03/2012] "Grenouilles sur les routes" Belgique
Event [23/02/2012] Two seminars on Biodiversity, Ecology & Evolution Université catholique de Louvain
Event [21/02/2012] Synthesys Seminar: An Azorean Enigma, the complex "Myosotella myosotis/denticulata" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [17/02/2012] Debate "re-think the city" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [16/02/2012] Bridges over troubled water: New opportunities and challenges in water governance Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [09/02/2012] Colloque "Les déchets sous l'emprise du droit : actualités" Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis
Event [07/02/2012] Conférence : Cigogne noire sous haute surveillance Hôtel communal de Woluwe-Saint-Lambert
Event [04/02/2012 - 05/02/2012] Devine, qui vient manger chez nous aujourd’hui ? Jardins et parcs
Event [31/01/2012] SYNTHESYS Seminar “Biodiversity of the Sahara desert. The case of rodents from North Africa” Royal Museum for Central Africa
Event [20/01/2012] Rio+20: Towards Transforming the Institutional Framework for Global Sustainability? Institute for European Studies
Event [14/01/2012] Devine qui vient manger… au château ? Parc du château du Karreveld
Event [12/12/2011] Public evening conference Amazing History under Water Free University of Brussels (VUB)
Event [04/12/2011] SRBE – Journée d’étude entomologique Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique
Event [01/12/2011] conference-achats-durables Item only translated in French/Belgium Dutch/Belgium
Event [30/11/2011] The natural relation between Biodiversity and Public Health Belgian Federal Science Policy (BELSPO)
Event [29/11/2011] Quel(s) futur(s) pour la forêt de Soignes ? Palais des Académies
Event [24/11/2011 - 24/10/2011] “Capitals of Biodiversity - European municipality lead the way in local biodiversity protection” Liaison Office of the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino
Event [18/11/2011] Seminarie ter voorstelling van het Sectoraal Akkoord ter verhoging van het aanbod gecertificeerd Hout op de Belgische markt Rode Zaal, Beurs "Hout en Habitat"
Event [09/11/2011 - 10/11/2011] Bossen en klimaatverandering Wetenschappelijke inzichten en maatschappelijke hefbomen KBC-auditorium
Event [09/11/2011] Conférence- Débat : Nature, conditionnalité et verdissement de la PAC : un tournant wallon ? Espace SENGHOR
Event [08/11/2011] Atelier du Groupe de Travail Benelux ENE/EDD "Eduquer à la biodiversité par l'alimentation" Hôtel les trois clés
Event [26/10/2011] Joint workshop of the "Belgian Group for Primatology" and the contact group FNRS " Primatologie " Big Auditorium, RBINS
Event [25/10/2011] Tuesday of the Environment. Invite nature at your home! Conference Room, Brussels City Hall
Event [24/10/2011] Impacts of international trade on ecosystem services,sixth BEES workshop Big Auditorium, RBINS
Event [13/10/2011] Accord sectoriel sur le bois certifié : Comment votre entreprise peut-elle s’engager ? Auditorium Henri Michaux, Palais des Congrès, Place d'Armes
Event [12/10/2011 - 14/10/2011] Arctic Futures Symposium 2011
Event [30/09/2011] Synthesis seminar: "Understanding the Diversity of a Tropical forest Land-snail fauna." Small Auditorium, RBINS
Event [14/09/2011 - 15/06/2011] International highlevel CLAMER Marine Climate Change Conference Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, Academy Palace
Event [01/07/2011] Workshop "Animal exploitation in Neolithic Central and Western Anatolia" Big Auditorium, RBINS
Event [30/06/2011] Stakeholders dialogue on biodiversity Eurostation
Event [28/06/2011 - 30/06/2011] 10th International Meeting of the ICAZ-working group Big Auditorium, RBINS
Event [27/06/2011 - 28/06/2011] Africa: Building on Growth Bibliothèque Solvay
Event [22/06/2011] Onze zee: de mens in een complex ecosysteem Gebouw S8, kleine leszaal, gelijkvloers, vleugel
Event [17/06/2011] Payments for ecosystems services: New finance mechanisms for the environment « Jacqmotte Conference hall », BTC
Event [16/06/2011] The Ocean of Tomorrow 2012 - Info day Charlemagne Conference Centre Room Sicco Mansholt – Level 0
Event [03/06/2011] Workshop Congo Biodiversity Initiative Africa Museum
Event [26/05/2011] Op weg naar een wenselijke toekomst - een inspirerend toekomstbeeld Stadscampus, Universiteit van Antwerpen
Event [24/05/2011 - 27/05/2011] Green week 2011: Resource efficiency - Using less, living better Charlemagne Building
Event [18/05/2011] BEES workshop IV: Ecosystem services and economic valuation. Hof van Liere
Event [17/05/2011] Hoe gaan extreme milieus om met verandering? Voorbeelden uit de Antarctische Zee en de diepzee Gebouw S8, kleine leszaal, gelijkvloers, vleugel
Event [03/05/2011] Eten en gegeten worden in de zee: van bacterie tot consument Gebouw S8, kleine leszaal, gelijkvloers, vleugel
Event [14/04/2011] Synthesys SEMINAR: Taxononomy and phylogeography of the most common waterflea in the world: Genetic structure of populations from three mountain ranges in Africa Small Auditorium, RBINS
Event [11/04/2011 - 15/04/2011] Comparative & Regulatory Genomics in Plants conference Karel Lodewijk Ledeganckstraat
Event [04/04/2011] Synthesis BETAF Symposium ""Herpetological news from the poorly explored Congo Basin - with particular focus on a cacophony of reedfrog diversity"" Small Auditorium, RBINS
Event [03/04/2011] 4e Belgische mierensymposium Big Auditorium, RBINS
Event [22/03/2011] The North Sea, field lab for science-based marine protection Auditorium Zeger Van Hee, College De Valk
Event [21/03/2011 - 22/03/2011] IODE 50th Anniversary International Conference Academic Hall of the University of Liège
Event [10/02/2011] Seminar on EU project EDIT on scientific communication and especially related to the outcomes of the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB) African Museum, CAPA building meeting room , ground floor
Event [10/02/2011] Synthesis BETAF Symposium "Simplifying the study of neotropical ant communities in using taxonomic sufficiency" Small Auditorium, RBINS
Event [03/02/2011] The transition towards sustainable agriculture and food consumption European Parliament Room 1A 002
Event [01/02/2011 - 07/01/2011] Biodiversité et Business : mariage impossible ou mariage de raison ? auditoire MERC12, Place Louis Pasteur
Event [17/12/2010] Open Project Meeting - Pondscape Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique
Event [17/12/2010 - 20/12/2010] 54th Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association Ghent University, Belgium
Event [03/12/2010] Entomology in Belgium Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [22/11/2010] Public Lecture "Reasons for Hope" by Jan Goodall Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Auditorium
Event [18/11/2010] Studiedag Genetica in natuurbeleid en –beheer Consciencegebouw
Event [16/11/2010 - 19/11/2010] Positive visions for biodiversity Management Centre Europe Conference Centre
Event [11/10/2010] Conférence : Biodiversité, sciences et société Université Libre de Bruxelles
Event [05/10/2010 - 06/10/2010] Meeting of the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences
Event [01/10/2010] La compensation écologique : clé d’un développement respectueux de la biodiversité ou simple leurre ? Faculté de droit et de criminologie de l’UCL
Event [23/09/2010 - 24/09/2010] Conference: 'Soil, Climate Change and Biodiversity – Where do we stand?' Charlemagne building of the European Commission
Event [08/09/2010 - 09/09/2010] Biodiversity post-2010 -biodiversity in a changing world International Conference Centre
Event [26/07/2010] Synthesis Symposium : "Molecular phylogeography of the highly threatened meadow and steppe vipers (Vipera ursinii complex) of Europe." Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences, Small Auditorium
Event [05/07/2010 - 10/07/2010] 7ème Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Entomologie Université Catholique de Louvain
Event [01/07/2010 - 06/07/2010] YouPEC 2010 - European Youth Perspective Conference on Biodiversity Geel, Antwerp, Belgium
Event [29/06/2010] Seminar 'Integrating Biodiversity in Development Cooperation' European Parliament
Event [14/06/2010] Scratchpad training course Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [03/06/2010] Synthesis Symposium : "Bricolage, evolution, and the origin of large baleen whales" Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences, Small Auditorium
Event [21/05/2010] "The mountain pine beetle in western North America: causes and consequences of an unprecedented outbreak" auditoire DC4-106
Event [19/05/2010] Discussion of the report "Combating Climate Change - a Role for UK Forests" Confédération Européenne des Propriétaires Forestiers - Forestry House
Event [05/05/2010] One day symposium on chemical entomology Gembloux Agri-Bio Tech
Event [04/05/2010] un-siecle-apres-darwin-lhomme-face-son-evolution Item only translated in French/Belgium
Event [22/04/2010] Synthesys seminar: "The rise and fall of post-Devonian trilobites: investigating the extinction of the most emblematic Palaeozoic arthropods" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [07/04/2010 - 09/04/2010] Ectocarpus 2010 - A decade of algal genomics Ghent University
Event [18/03/2010] Synthesys seminar: To China via Brussels and Stockholm: filling spatial and temporal gaps in the Late Palaeozoic floral record Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [07/03/2010] Le 3ème symposium belge sur les fourmis Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen
Event [02/03/2010] 'Making space for Nature' Bavarian Representation to the EU
Event [24/02/2010] Synthesys seminar: Resolving Guenon Phylogeny Using Museum Collections Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [18/02/2010] Synthesys seminar: Geometric morphometrics in biology with an application to the flight of the Bumblebee. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [08/02/2010 - 09/02/2010] International Coordination of an Interdisciplinary Global Research Infrastructure Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences
Event [28/01/2010] Science and Arts to protect the sea in West Africa Europe Aid Info point
Event [28/01/2010] Symposium "Alternatieve financiering van landschapsontwikkeling" Geuzenhuis
Event [19/01/2010] La Biodiversité et les entreprises: enjeux et solutions VBO - FEB
Event [11/01/2010] Seminar "Copenhagen and after" Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences
Event [24/11/2009 - 25/11/2009] Young Botanists' Day - Evolution in Botany: from Darwin to women Université Libre de Bruxelles, Solbosch Campus, building S (salle Dupréel), avenue Jeanne 44, 1050 Brussels
Event [19/11/2009] First announcement : Ecoefficiency conference "Modelling and Evaluation for Sustainability: Guiding Eco-Innovation and Consumption"
Event [06/10/2009] Brussels Carbon Capture and Storage Summit 2009 – Getting it Right for Copenhagen Hotel Sofitel Brussels Europe
Event [30/09/2009] Après-midi d'étude sur la forêt de Soignes Siège central de BE-IBGE
Event [17/09/2009 - 17/08/2009] E-CA - CRE-AC Congo event and book launch Congreszaal, Maison des Parlementaires,
Event [14/09/2009 - 15/09/2009] Organisms on the move: On the ecology and evolution of dispersal Campus Ledeganck
Event [09/09/2009] Colloque Acteurs et outils du droit de l’environnement Développements récents, développements (peut-être) à venir Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis
Event [04/09/2009] LifeWatch Information Workshop Royal Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters of Belgium, Palace of the Academies,
Event [23/08/2009 - 26/08/2009] International symposium on diatom taxonomy National Botanic Garden of Belgium
Event [15/07/2009] Synthesys Seminar "Reproductive isolation of some cryptic wolf spider species pairs". Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [02/07/2009] Synthesys Seminar "Archaeology and fish in Tell el Farkha – Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt." Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [25/06/2009] Conference on ‘Biofuels and Biodiversity’ Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [12/06/2009 - 13/06/2009] Developing Countries facing Global Warming: a Post-Kyoto Assessment: First announcement
Event [05/06/2009] World Environment day. Conference Info Point External Cooperation Info-Point
Event [05/06/2009] Atelier d'information Life+ 2009 SPF DG Environnement
Event [25/05/2009] LIFE+ Informatie Workshop 2009 Agentschap voor Natuur en Bos
Event [20/05/2009] Lecture on "The challenge of cognitive cross-species comparison" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [19/05/2009] Les trésors cachés de la biodiversité à la défense le terrain d’exercice militaire du Camp de Beverlo à Bourg-Léopold
Event [18/05/2009 - 20/05/2009] International Conference LIFE project DANAH Abbey of Herkenrode
Event [16/05/2009 - 17/05/2009] Journées découverte des réserves naturelles domaniales Quinze réserves, réparties dans toute la Wallonie
Event [13/05/2009] Conference 'Valuing ecosystems and the services they provide?' KBC-auditorium in Antwerpen
Event [11/05/2009] Science Facing Aliens: 2nd BBPF Conference on Invasive Alien Species Information will be added on a later occasion as not yet known
Event [09/05/2009] Tous à la fête de la Promenade Verte Parc de Woluwe, Bruxelles
Event [29/04/2009] Redefining Growth and Prosperity Austrian Permanent Representation
Event [25/04/2009] Animations Fleurs et pollinisateurs pour l'inauguration du Sentier des Abeilles Jardin Botanique Jean Massart
Event [16/04/2009] Conference on "socially sustainable economic degrowth" European Parlement
Event [27/03/2009] Symposium "African Botany in Brussels" VUB Campus, Auditorium QD
Event [18/03/2009] Environmental Policy Forum on "The European Biodiversity Action Plan - State of Play and prospects after 2010’" Institute for European Studies at Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Event [17/03/2009] Conference 'Ecosystem service and human well-being, making the connection: The role of landscape' KBC-auditorium in Brussels
Event [14/03/2009] Huitième Nuit de la Chouette Parc naturel Viroin-Hermeton
Event [09/02/2009 - 14/02/2009] Tribute to Charles Darwin and Bernissart Iguanodons: New perspectives on Vertebrate Evolution and Early Cretaceous Ecosystems Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [30/01/2009] Synthesys Seminar "Imaging the world's sharpshooter leafhoppers (Cicadellidae)" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [29/01/2009] Synthesys Seminar "On the snail train in Africa" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [29/01/2009 - 31/01/2009] L’Évolution aujourd’hui : à la croisée de la biologie et des sciences humaines Salle du Trône – Palais des Académies
Event [28/01/2009] The External Dimension of Sustainable Development International Conference on the External Aspects of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy Palais d’Egmont,
Event [26/01/2009] Synthesis seminar "Integrative taxonomy – the most conclusive approach towards recognition of real biodiversity" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [23/01/2009] Seminar *Dégradation des collections ostéologiques et paléontologiques* Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [15/12/2008] Workshop on Antarctic terrestrial biodiversity Amphitheater A.4, building B7b
Event [11/12/2008 - 12/12/2008] 2nd Luki Symposium Royal Museum for Central Africa
Event [05/12/2008] Synthesis seminar "Reconstructing carnivoran palaeoguilds" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [05/12/2008] Entomology in Belgium 2008 Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [29/11/2008 - 30/11/2008] Salon "Nature au jardin" Moulin Klepper
Event [20/11/2008] Synthesis seminar "Beetle Collections at the British Museum; past, present and future" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [04/11/2008 - 05/11/2008] Broadening the user base of natural history collections Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [31/10/2008] "Biodiversity and Development: the economic value of biodiversity" Info Point External Cooperation
Event [24/10/2008] Diversité génétique animale en Région wallonne : Patrimoine et Valorisation Moulin de Beez
Event [22/10/2008] Ecosystem Services Assesment "Belgian contribution to an European ecosystem assessment" Royal Academy Sciences, Arts and Letters of Belgium
Event [05/10/2008] Open business days - Directorate General Development Cooperation opens its doors ! Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Development Cooperation
Event [29/09/2008] Synthesis seminar "The Brussels Rotifer-Collection: One more step towards a World-Catalogue of the Phylum Rotifera" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [19/09/2008] Synthesis seminar "A study of mollusc diversity in woodland and grassland habitats in the west of Ireland" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [12/09/2008] Synthesis seminar "Fishing in ancient Eastern Mediterranean: New archaeozoological data from Turkey and Lebanon" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [08/09/2008 - 12/09/2008] 4th International Meeting of Anthrocology Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [08/09/2008 - 12/09/2008] 6th European Conference on Ecological Restoration International Convention Center
Event [08/09/2008 - 12/09/2008] 6th European Conference on Ecological Restoration International Convention Center
Event [26/08/2008 - 29/08/2008] People, Food and Environment: Global Trends and European Strategies Ghent, Belgium
Event [26/07/2008] Pas d'Agriculture sans biodiversité Foire de Libramont (Business center)
Event [08/06/2008] Petit coin de paradis en biodiversité Chez Jacques et Bernadette Grévisse
Event [03/06/2008 - 06/06/2008] Green Week 2008 - Only one Earth: Don't waste it! Brussels
Event [02/06/2008 - 04/06/2008] 22ieme Réunion des Ostracodologistes de Langue Française Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique
Event [22/05/2008] International day for biodiversity 2008 Multiple locations
Event [08/05/2008] "Primate visual signals in noisy environments" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Large auditorium
Event [06/05/2008] Modeling for conservation Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
Event [24/04/2008] Colloquium 'Mens en natuur in de stad' - 'La Nature en ville' Brussels Parlement
Event [20/04/2008] Dag van de Aarde 2008 Vlaanderen
Event [16/04/2008] Diversity of amphipod crustaceans in the Admiralty Bay. Synthesis Seminar Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, RBINS, large auditorium
Event [12/04/2008] L’empreinte écologique, indicateur environnemental et outil politique Espace Kegeljan
Event [20/03/2008] Starters in het Natuuronderzoek Auditorium in het Hendrik Conscience-gebouw
Event [20/03/2008 - 30/03/2008] La semaine sans pesticides en Wallonie Wallonie
Event [18/03/2008] Pour une nouvelle diplomatie du développement durable Université Libre de Bruxelles
Event [15/03/2008] Les chouettes se dévoilent Wallonie et Bruxelles
Event [10/03/2008 - 16/03/2008] 8ème édition du Printemps des Sciences Wallonie et Bruxelles
Event [26/02/2008 - 27/02/2008] The 4th Annual Brussels Climate Change Conference 08 The Management Centre
Event [21/02/2008] La biodiversité végétale : son évolution et son devenir dans nos régions Grand Amphithéâtre (ULg)
Event [14/02/2008] Etat de l'environnement et biodiversité Grand Amphithéâtre (ULg)
Event [13/02/2008] Synthesys seminar: "Adelostomini: A fascinating group of darkling beetles from Africa" Royal Museum of Central Africa
Event [09/02/2008] Ontmoetingsdag ANKONA 2008 Provinciehuis van Antwerpen
Event [09/02/2008] Workshop en jaarlijkse ontmoetingsdag van het Antwerpse Koepel voor Natuurstudie (ANKONA) Provinciehuis van Antwerpen
Event [07/02/2008 - 08/02/2008] The NECOV Wintersymposium "Timeless ecology - from seconds to centuries" Groenenborg campus, Universiteit van Antwerpen
Event [05/02/2008] A Future for Fisheries? Auditorium Zeger Van Hee, College De Valk
Event [02/02/2008 - 03/02/2008] Devine qui vient manger chez nous aujourd’hui ? Belgium
Event [02/02/2008 - 03/02/2008] Telweekend tuinvogels op 2 en 3 februari 2008 Belgium
Event [01/02/2008] Synthesys Seminar "Unveiling some of the deep sea secrets: phylogeny and phylogeography of ostracods living in the deep sea" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, RBINS, large auditorium
Event [25/01/2008] Les nouveaux enjeux de la gestion de la faune sauvage Centre culturel Marcel Hicter
Event [22/01/2008] Biocarburants : quel avenir et quelle place en Belgique? Salle Dupréel, Institut de Sociologie (ULB)
Event [18/01/2008] Food, Feed and Bioenergy : Priorities and Dilemmas Brussels, Belgium
Event [03/12/2007 - 04/12/2007] Biodiversité et réseau Natura 2000 en milieu urbain SECRETARIAT GENERAL DE L’UNION ECONOMIQUE BENELUX
Event [27/11/2007 - 28/11/2007] Blue Planet Forum Acting together for the future EU maritime policy Committee of the Regions, Brussels
Event [25/11/2007] Semaine de l'arbre 2007 Toute la Wallonie
Event [22/11/2007 - 23/11/2007] Conference on Sustainable Agriculture Renaissance Brussels Hotel
Event [19/11/2007 - 20/11/2007] Beyond GDP European Parliament (Hemicycle)
Event [17/11/2007 - 18/11/2007] Dag van de natuur Vlaanderen
Event [17/11/2007] Journée d'études AVES 2007 Université Libre de Bruxelles
Event [27/10/2007 - 28/10/2007] Rendez-vous sur les sentiers 2007 Wallonie et Flandre
Event [18/10/2007 - 13/12/2007] Séminaires en Science et Gestion de l'Environnement UCL
Event [17/10/2007] Le développement durable est-il toujours « notre avenir à tous » ? Palais d'Egmont, 1000 Bruxelles
Event [11/10/2007] Climate change: a challenge for global social justice Universiteit Antwerpen - Stadscampus
Event [07/10/2007 - 14/10/2007] Week van het bos 2007 Vlaanderen
Event [04/10/2007] Wat na de aardolie?’ Gent
Event [03/10/2007 - 16/10/2007] Colloquia reeks: Biologie anders bekeken Campus Etterbeek, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Event [03/10/2007] Farming for life: new challenges, new CAP Bedford Hotel
Event [29/09/2007 - 10/10/2007] 8e séminaire de formation "L"Homme, la Nature et la Biodiversité" Ferrière
Event [28/09/2007] Workshop on digitisation of biodiversity data and the Platform digitisation project call 2008 ULB
Event [23/09/2007] Découverte Biodiversité Centre de recherches agronomiques de Gembloux
Event [21/09/2007 - 23/09/2007] Week-end du bois Wallonie et Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Event [20/09/2007] Gestion de la biodiversité et économie sociale: un doublé gagnant? l’Arsenal de Namur
Event [20/09/2007] Planning for biodiversity as climate changes Hotel Silken Berlaymont
Event [18/09/2007] Bouwstenen voor een duurzaam waterbeheer Kapittelzaal, 't Pand, Universiteit Gent
Event [15/09/2007] 3de Dag van de Natuureducatieve Vrijwilliger Buurthuis Willebringen
Event [06/09/2007 - 09/09/2007] Princess Elisabeth Antarctic Station Inauguration in Brussels: Public Access Tour & Taxis
Event [02/09/2007] Green Walk around Brussels, by foot or by bicycle Brussels
Event [25/08/2007] Nuit Européenne des Chauves-Souris Wallonie et Bruxelles
Event [24/08/2007 - 25/08/2007] Europese Nacht van de Vleermuis Vlaanderen en Brussel
Event [04/08/2007 - 05/08/2007] Tuinvlinders tellen: vlinder mee! Vlaanderen en Brussel
Event [04/08/2007 - 05/08/2007] Devine, qui papillonne au jardin ? Comptez les papillons de votre jardin ! Wallonie et Bruxelles
Event [15/07/2007 - 20/07/2007] World Congress of Malacology University of Antwerp
Event [13/06/2007] What are the knowledge, expertise and tools for a proper decision-making on biodiversity? Hospitality area, Chapiteau du Parc du Cinquantenaire
Event [12/06/2007 - 15/06/2007] Green Week (changing our behaviour) Charlemagne Building
Event [30/05/2007] Consultatieronde ‘Research and Education Aimed at Capacity Building in the South' Universitaire Stichting
Event [30/05/2007] Seminar on ‘greening’ PRSPs DGDC (Room DV 01)
Event [22/05/2007] International Biodiversity Day at the Museum (9h30 - 12h30) Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [21/05/2007 - 22/05/2007] Biodiversity and Climate Change International Press Centre,
Event [15/05/2007 - 16/05/2007] Linking threats to biodiversity with action in the policy-making process Belgium
Event [04/05/2007] Biodiversity, an essential partner in making development truly sustainable Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [03/05/2007] Le développement durable à la rencontre de l'économie: l'économie peut-elle aider à protéger la biodiversité ? Université Libre de Bruxelles
Event [26/04/2007] Le développement durable à la rencontre de l'économie: les changements climatiques changeront-ils l'économie ?" Université Libre de Bruxelles
Event [22/03/2007] Le développement durable à la rencontre de l'économie: intégrer l'environnement dans l'économie, ou intégrer l'économie dans l'environnement ? Université Libre de Bruxelles
Event [15/03/2007] Le développement durable à la rencontre de l'économie: que peut dire l'économie au sujet du développement durable ? Université Libre de Bruxelles
Event [05/03/2007 - 06/03/2007] International Symposium Polar Environment and Climate: The Challenges. European Research in the context of the International Polar Year Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [02/03/2007] Consultatieronde Onderzoek Universitaire Stichting
Event [26/02/2007 - 27/02/2007] International Conference on the sustainable management of the forests in the DRC Egmond Palace
Event [24/02/2007] CONFERENCE ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS Aula Qd Auditorium, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Event [05/02/2007] Risk, regulation and democracy: GMOs at the WTO Institute for European Studies,
Event [13/12/2006 - 15/12/2006] Vooraankondiging van de 20e Benelux-Werkconferentie « De opleidingen tot natuurgids (en aanverwanten) » Mirwart, (Saint Hubert)
Event [11/12/2006] "Biodiversity loss - an inconvenient catastrophe" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, RBINS, large auditorium
Event [07/12/2006] "Deep-Sea Ostracoda from Antarctica" - coupling genetics and morphology Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, RBINS, large auditorium
Event [05/12/2006 - 08/12/2006] Georeferencing techniques of Natural Science specimens Royal Museum of Central Africa
Event [24/11/2006] Le développement durable: quel impact sur l'architecture? Journée d'étude "Architecture et Biodiversité" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [08/11/2006] Launch of the Tropical Forestry Report Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [27/10/2006] The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: implications for Belgium Palais des Academies
Event [20/07/2006] Info Meeting on the EDIT project (European Distributed Institutes of Taxonomy) Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, RBINS, large auditorium
Event [22/06/2006] Synthesys seminar on "Biogeography and Phylogeny of the Millipedes from Madagascar" Meeting room in the basement of the CAPA Building (Building E on the plan)
Event [14/06/2006] Studiedag 'Herintroductie in Vlaanderen, een optie?' Hendrik Consciencegebouw, zaal Hadewyck
Event [31/05/2006] De rol van bos in het klimaatsbeleid in Noord en Zuid Boudewijngebouw
Event [30/05/2006 - 02/06/2006] Biodiversity is life! (EC Green Week - Changing our behaviour) Charlemagne Building
Event [15/05/2006] Rondetafelconferentie: Toegang tot de rechtbank voor verenigingen en het Aarhus Verdrag Congreszaal, Huis van de Parlementsleden
Event [19/04/2006] Synthesis seminar: "Nature and periodicity of growth rings of Sonneratia apetala Buch.-Ham., a Bangladesh mangrove species" VUB, building D, room D2.14 - campus Oefenplein
Event [18/04/2006] L'introduction d'espèces animales pour la lutte biologique: une menace pour la biodiversité? L'exemple de la Coccinelle asiatique Harmonia axyridis en Belgique Centre Paul Duvigneaud, auditorium du CiVA
Event [06/04/2006] Synthesis seminar: "Evolution of host-plant associations and defensive traits in herbivorous hymenopterans" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, RBINS, large auditorium
Event [31/03/2006] VLIZ Jongerencontactdag St Andries/Brugge
Event [23/03/2006 - 25/03/2006] BE-POLES workshop dedicated to Polar Science in Belgium Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, RBINS, large auditorium
Event [09/03/2006 - 10/03/2006] SOS Invasions! Invasive alien species in Belgium Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [01/03/2006] Variétés fruitières anciennes de la Région bruxelloise ; pourquoi créer un verger conservatoire Centre Paul Duvigneaud, auditorium du CiVA
Event [10/02/2006] The cave bears from the Dupont collection: taphonomy and paleobiology Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, RBINS, large auditorium
Event [12/01/2006] "The use of optical dating for relative sea-level construction. Examples from the North Sea and Mediterranean" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Event [11/01/2006] Seminar on "Adaptation des Néolotiques d'Afrique de l'Ouest face à une crise climatique : importance des activités de pêche dans leurs stratégies alimentaires" Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
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