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Folder News

Release date Title
20/02/2020 Naaya News The United Nations must get its new biodiversity targets right
Source: Nature-Editorial 18 February 2020
18/12/2019 Naaya News Bijenparadijs in de Westhoek
Source: Natuurpunt, Willem Proesmans (Natuurpunt..
07/05/2019 Naaya News L'humanité menace un million d'espèces vivantes (IPBES)
Source: L'Echo, 06/05/2019, Frédéric Rohart, Jou..
07/05/2019 Naaya News VN waarschuwen na grootschalig onderzoek: “Miljoen soorten dieren en planten met uitsterven bedreigd”
Source: HLN, 05/06/2019
07/05/2019 Naaya News Mondiaal rapport IPBES geeft onweerlegbaar bewijs van natuurverlies
Source: De Wereld Morgen, 06/05/2019, WWF Be
07/05/2019 Naaya News Uitbuiting natuur leidt tot massaal uitsterven van soorten en afnemende leefbaarheid op aarde
Source: De Morgen, 05/06/2019, Ben Van Raaij
07/05/2019 Naaya News Wetenschappers uit hele wereld vragen om ineenstorting biodiversiteit ernstig te nemen
Source: Metro, 06/05/2019
07/05/2019 Naaya News Wetenschappers vragen de mens zijn gedrag aan te passen om de natuur te herstellen
Source: Knack, 06/05/2019
07/05/2019 Naaya News Alerte sur la biodiversité : une espèce sur 8 est menacée d'extinction !
Source: Futura, 06/05/2019
07/05/2019 Naaya News Sauver la nature pour nous sauver nous-mêmes
Source: RTL-Info, 06/05/2019
07/05/2019 Naaya News Internationaal rapport: '1 miljoen dieren en planten met uitsterven bedreigd'
Source: De Tijd, 06/05/2019, Floor Eelbode
06/05/2019 Naaya News Nature's dangerous decline 'unprecedented' according to IPBES Global Assessment
Source: IPBES
07/03/2019 Naaya News Verlies aan biodiversiteit bedreigt de voedselzekerheid
Source: MO, 6 maart 2019
04/03/2019 Naaya News The biodiversity that is crucial for our food and agriculture is disappearing by the day
Source: FAO
28/01/2018 Naaya News Public consultation on an EU initiative for pollinators
Source: European Union
19/07/2017 Naaya News Quarry Life Award 2018: HeidelbergCement launches the fourth edition of its competition promoting biodiversity
Source: Quarry life award
16/05/2017 Naaya News Does your organisation protect the North Sea? Register your project and get international approval (More information in NL and Fr versions)
Source: FOD Environment and Health
05/04/2017 Naaya News "Depression: Let’s Talk!" (World Health Day, 07.04.2017)
10/03/2017 Naaya News Genetisch onderzoek onthult twee zeldzame Zwarte populieren in Affligem
Source: Natuurpunt
18/01/2017 Naaya News Nieuwe Rode Lijst toont dat 38% van Vlaamse broedvogels in gevaar is
Source: Natuurpunt
02/01/2017 Naaya News Belgian CHM wins bronze award during COP13 in Cancun, Mexico
22/12/2016 Naaya News UN Biodiversity Conference results in significant commitments for action on biodiversity
04/12/2016 Naaya News Cancun Declaration adopted!
07/11/2016 Naaya News UN biodiversity report identifies risks and uncertainties of novel strategies to tackle climate change
07/11/2016 Naaya News Winners of the Midori Prize for biodiversity 2016
07/11/2016 Naaya News World Cities Day, 31 October 2016
14/10/2016 Naaya News Climate is changing, food and agriculture - World Food Day, 16 October 2016
26/09/2016 Naaya News Tourism for All: Promoting Universal Accessibility - World Tourism Day, 27 September 2016
20/09/2016 Naaya News Global treaty to halt invasive aquatic species to enter into force in 2017
22/08/2016 Naaya News Belgium ratifies Nagoya Protocol
10/08/2016 Naaya News FAO Committee on Forestry Calls for Collaboration on Biodiversity Mainstreaming in the Lead up to COP-13
Source: CBD Secretariat
25/07/2016 Naaya News 101 countries have adopted new national commitments under the CBD
Source: CBD Secretariat
07/07/2016 Naaya News Biodiversity awareness survey
Source: CBD Secretariat
08/06/2016 Naaya News Healthy oceans, healthy planet - World Oceans Day, 8 June 2016
23/05/2016 Naaya News 20 years anniversary of the Belgian ratification of the CBD - Campaign "1001 for biodiversity"
Source: CBD National Focal Point
22/05/2016 Naaya News 22 May 2016 - International Day for Biological Diversity: Mainstreaming Biodiversity; Sustaining People and their Livelihoods
20/05/2016 Naaya News The regional and federal ministers express themselves in support of biodiversity
Source: CBD National Focal Point
06/05/2016 Naaya News "Stop the Illegal Killing, Taking and Trade of Migratory Birds" (World Migratory Bird Day, 10 May 2016)
02/05/2016 Naaya News Enhanced implementation and mainstreaming are key issues at first meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation
19/04/2016 Naaya News Trees for the Earth - International Mother Earth Day (22 April)
07/04/2016 Naaya News World Health Day (7 April)
22/03/2016 Naaya News World Water Day (22 March)
20/03/2016 Naaya News International Day of Forests (21 March)
03/03/2016 Naaya News World Wildlife Day - The future of wildlife is in our hands (3 March)
26/02/2016 Naaya News The Shift: Sustainable Partnerships Award 2016
Source: The Shift
15/02/2016 Naaya News Nominations open for The MIDORI Prize for Biodiversity 2016
Source: CBD Secretariat
29/01/2016 Naaya News World Wetlands Day - Wetlands for our Future: Sustainable Livelihoods (2 February)
10/12/2015 Naaya News Governments encouraged to use biodiversity and ecosystem services as strategy for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction
Source: Secretariat of the Convention on Biologi..
27/11/2015 Naaya News Opening speech by Minister De Croo at the conference "Biodiversity & development, a global heritage"
20/10/2015 Naaya News Natuurbescherming in Europa: meer inspanningen nodig om biodiversiteitsverlies tegen 2020 te stoppen
Source: European Commission
15/09/2015 Naaya News Competition "1001 ideas – Save biodiversity"
15/06/2015 Naaya News Belgian taxonomy in ESF Top 10 New Species of 2015
21/05/2015 Naaya News The State of Nature in the EU - Small improvements but a long way to go...
18/05/2015 Naaya News Donnez votre opinion sur le milieu marin belge.
13/05/2015 Naaya News Keep Nature Alive - Take action!
Source: WWF
13/05/2015 Naaya News 9.2% of Europe’s wild bee species are threatened
Source: IUCN
08/04/2015 Naaya News World Health Day - linking health and biodiversity
03/03/2015 Naaya News World Wildlife Day: taking wildlife crime seriously
Source: UN
02/02/2015 Naaya News Governments to expand U.N. Law of the Sea with new legally binding agreement on biodiversity
Source: World Ocean Council
05/12/2014 Naaya News UNFCCC COP-20 : Biodiversity and Climate Change
Source: CBD Secretariat
28/10/2014 Naaya News Entry into force of the Nagoya Protocol
Source: CBD Secretariat
23/10/2014 Naaya News 12ème sommet mondial sur la biodiversité (Corée du Sud, 29/09-17/10/2014)
23/10/2014 Naaya News In Loving Memory of Frédéric Chemay (1961-2014)
07/10/2014 Naaya News UN report GBO-4 calls for bold and accelerated global action to meet biodiversity targets by 2020
15/07/2014 Naaya News Governments fulfil their commitment: Access and benefit-sharing treaty receives required number of ratifications to enter into force
Source: Secretariat to the Convention on Biologi..
03/07/2014 Naaya News 2014 Call for proposals for LIFE Action Grants is now open
Source: European Union
02/07/2014 Naaya News EU Public consultation on the First Preliminary Opinion on Synthetic Biology : Definition
Source: EU Health and Consumers scientific commi..
24/06/2014 Naaya News Bijen, wormen en vogels lijden onder pesticide
Source: De Standaard, 24/06/2014
04/06/2014 Naaya News Public consultation on conservation status – EU biogeographical level (Art.17 Habitats Directive) has started
23/05/2014 Naaya News 19 mai : Networking event sur la Stratégie nationale de la biodiversité
13/05/2014 Naaya News “Honey Bees, Indicator of Health and the Environment” - Scoping meeting 13th June - REGISTRATION OPEN
09/05/2014 Naaya News 22 May - International day for biodiversity
25/04/2014 Naaya News Veeteelt moet wijken voor beschermde natuur
Source: De Standaard, 25/04/2014
10/04/2014 Naaya News Presentation of the Strategy "Biodiversity 2020" on 19/05/2014 - REGISTRATION OPEN
27/03/2014 Naaya News Présentation de la Stratégie "Biodiversité 2020" le 19.05.2014 - SAVE the DATE
Source: Point focal national CDB
25/03/2014 Naaya News Fifth National Report of Belgium to the Convention on Biological Diversity
18/02/2014 Naaya News Public consultation: Regional nature plan for the Brussels-Capital Region (Dutch and French only)
Source: IBGE
07/01/2014 Naaya News A new horizon for African-European research links 07/01/14
07/01/2014 Naaya News UN General Assembly proclaims 3 March as World Wildlife Day
Source: UNEP
13/12/2013 Naaya News The 2014 Belgian GTI external call for proposals is open
Source: Belgian GTI NFP
03/12/2013 Naaya News Return grants for researchers working abroad 2014
Source: BELSPO
03/12/2013 Naaya News Nature indicators 2013, nature rapport Flanders (Only available in Dutch)
Source: INBO
30/09/2013 Naaya News New EU action to protect biodiversity against problematic invasive species
Source: European Commission
08/08/2013 Naaya News Fixer la limite : Pas d’exploration pétrolière au Parc national des Virunga, Patrimoine Mondial de l’Humanité !
Source: WWF
31/07/2013 Naaya News Virunga Park meer waard zonder olieboringen
Source: Volkskrant
08/07/2013 Naaya News Study for the implementation in Belgium of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit‐sharing (ABS) to the Convention on Biological Diversity
18/06/2013 Naaya News Biodiversité: votre avis nous intéresse!
Source: Point focal national CDB
03/06/2013 Naaya News Registrations for the Stakeholders dialogue on the updating of the National Biodiversity Strategy until 2020 now open (RBINS, 13/06/2013, 13:00)
Source: CDB National Focal Point
22/05/2013 Naaya News Celebrating the International Biodiversity Day in Belgium
Source: CBD National Focal Point
08/05/2013 Naaya News The European Commission adopts a Communication on Green Infrastructures
Source: DG ENVIRONMENT Unit B.2 - Biodiversity
29/04/2013 Naaya News Public consultation on the Update of Belgium's National Biodiversity Strategy 2006-2016
Source: Belgian National Focal Point to the CBD
24/04/2013 Naaya News UNESCO-L’ORÉAL Awards For Women in Life Sciences - 2014
Source: Fondation L'Oréal
08/04/2013 Naaya News Communiqué: European Union approves Nagoya - Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability and Redress
Source: CBD Secretariat
05/03/2013 Naaya News Bioversity International and Belgian university join efforts to support banana research
Source: Bioversity International
13/02/2013 Naaya News EU BON: Bringing big data to biodiversity
Source: Dr. Anke Hoffmann
13/02/2013 Naaya News Horizon of certainty: industry calls for long-term policy to drive innovation in managing natural resources
Source: IUCN
13/02/2013 Naaya News Powered by Nature: social media student competition for nature-based solutions to energy challenges
Source: IUCN
23/01/2013 Naaya News Les fourmis belges cartographiées
Source: RBINS
07/12/2012 Naaya News Dutch Translation of the Nagoya Protocol now available
03/12/2012 Naaya News 2013 Back to Belgium Grants
Source: Belspo
03/12/2012 Naaya News UNESCO - Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB): Michel Batisse Award for Biosphere Reserve Management 2013
Source: Belspo
23/11/2012 Naaya News Call on Invasive Species and Biological Invasions (Biodiversa)
Source: Biodiversa
22/11/2012 Naaya News Découverte d'une nouvelle espèce de chauve-souris en Belgique
Source: Natagora, Plectous
20/11/2012 Naaya News BRAIN-be (Belgian Research Action Through Interdisciplinary Networks) call for proposals is open
Source: Belspo
20/11/2012 Naaya News A new global map displays the functionality of ecosystems
Source: Society for Conservation Biology
13/11/2012 Naaya News Vlaanderen blijft investeren in baanbrekend onderzoek bonobo's (Only available in Dutch)
Source: De Standaard
12/11/2012 Naaya News 'Ocean-grabbing' as serious a threat as ‘land-grabbing’ – UN expert on right to food
Source: Human Rights – Media Unit
22/10/2012 Naaya News Press release: At United Nations Biodiversity Conference, countries agree to double resources for biodiversity protection by 2015
Source: CBD Secretariat
05/10/2012 Naaya News Communiqué: UN biodiversity meeting to discuss progress made and challenges to implement the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020
Source: CDB Secretariat
03/10/2012 Naaya News Release of BirdLife report on EU Biodiversity Progress 2010-2012
Source: Stichting BirdLife Europe - Birdlife Int..
28/09/2012 Naaya News Communiqué: United Nations meeting on the Safe Use of Living Modified Organisms opens Monday 1st October
Source: CBD Secretariat
19/09/2012 Naaya News Release of a new EEA Technical Report: ‘Streamlining European biodiversity indicators 2020: Building a future on lessons learnt from the SEBI 2010 process ‘
Source: EEA (European Environment Agency)
13/09/2012 Naaya News Un plan pour le développement de la nature et de la biodiversité à Bruxelles
Source: Bruxelles Environnement - IBGE
13/09/2012 Naaya News IUCN Releases List of 100 Most Threatened Species
Source: IUCN
11/09/2012 Naaya News IPBES Releases List of Members
Source: IPBES
07/09/2012 Naaya News MUMM-RBINS: Monitoring of the effects of windmills at sea: report 2012
Source: MUMM
01/09/2012 Naaya News From farmers to consumers, what common agricultural and food policy?
Source: EU
20/08/2012 Naaya News Global Youth Biodiversity Network’s kick-off conference
18/07/2012 Naaya News SYNTHESYS Call – Funding available for short research visits
Source: BE-TAF
17/07/2012 Naaya News Survey about the future of Biodiversity Conservation Research in Belgium
Source: Belgian Biodiversity Platform
10/07/2012 Naaya News Belgium is involved in four out of nine European Projects funded by BiodivERsA
28/06/2012 Naaya News Vande Lanotte stelt Actieplan Zeehond voor voor meer biodiversiteit in de zee
21/06/2012 Naaya News Report of the stakeholder workshop on Access and Benefit Sharing
Source: Delphine Perremans, ABS National Focal P..
06/06/2012 Naaya News Building the future we want – new report launched on World Environment Day by the EEA
Source: European Environment Agency (EEA)
25/05/2012 Naaya News Biodiversity what's it worth to you?
22/05/2012 Naaya News WWF 2012 Living planet report
Source: WWF
22/05/2012 Naaya News Biodiversity research back on the agenda: EPBRS releases 2 videos.
Source: Belgium Biodiversity Platform
22/05/2012 Naaya News Disparu ? Aidez Gust et Suzette !
Source: IRScNB
14/05/2012 Naaya News Journée Internationale de la Biodiversité – 22 mai 2012: Tous sur le pont pour la vie marine !
Source: Point Focal Belge pour la CDB
10/05/2012 Naaya News AlterIAS project
Source: LIFE
09/05/2012 Naaya News LIFE's 20th anniversary
Source: Natagora
09/05/2012 Naaya News Formations gratuites sur les potagers et le compostage
Source: Bruxelles Environnement - IBGE
18/04/2012 Naaya News Public consultation on the marine waters in Belgium
Source: SPF Santé publique, Sécurité de la Chaîn..
17/04/2012 Naaya News Call for Participants - Kick-Off Meeting of the Global Youth for Biodiversity Network (GYBN) - August 21-27 in Berlin, Germany
Source: Christian Schwarzer
12/04/2012 Naaya News Launch of a new website on saproxylic beetles of Belgium
Source: Belgian Biodiversity Platform
12/04/2012 Naaya News Policy brief on biodiversity and public health
Source: Belgian Biodiversity Platform
12/04/2012 Naaya News They are back!
Source: RBINS
04/04/2012 Naaya News Measuring the evolution of Belgium towards sustainable development: new website
Source: Task Force on Sustainable Development of..
02/04/2012 Naaya News BHL-Europe launches the Biodiversity Library Exhibition!
Source: BHL-Europe
02/04/2012 Naaya News Environment: 14 companies nominated for the 2012 European Business Awards for the Environment
Source: EUROPA
02/04/2012 Naaya News Des arbres fruitiers plantés aux Prés du Hem : « Ce sera un jardin à lérots » (zone transfrontalière France - Belgique)
Source: La voix du Nord
26/03/2012 Naaya News Colloque belge 2012 sur les chauves-souris
Source: Natagora
26/03/2012 Naaya News LIFE+ 2012 call for proposals is open
Source: European Commission
26/03/2012 Naaya News Elevage : les races locales veulent reprendre du poil de la bête
Source: La voix du Nord, France
16/02/2012 Naaya News Exposition de photos "Antarctique, l’éden polaire", du 18 février au 22 avril 2012
Source: Jardin botanique national de Belgique
16/02/2012 Naaya News Postdoc fellowships to non-EU researchers : SELECTION 2012 Call for proposal
Source: Belspo
16/02/2012 Naaya News 8th Meeting of the ASCOBANS Jastarnia Group Successfully Concluded
16/02/2012 Naaya News Nos jardins et la gent ailée
16/02/2012 Naaya News New publication: Invasive alien predator causes rapid declines of native European ladybirds.
Source: Diversity and Distributions
16/02/2012 Naaya News La coccinelle asiatique menace ses cousines européennes.
Source: Futura Sciences
02/02/2012 Naaya News 10 Job Vacancies at the National Botanic Garden of Belgium
Source: Belspo
02/02/2012 Naaya News Nature Scholarship for Young European Conservationists now open
Source: LIFE
02/02/2012 Naaya News World Wetlands Day, February 2, 2012
Source: Ramsar Convention
31/01/2012 Naaya News Stock Assessment of selected species of Elasmobranchs in the GFCM area
Source: RAC/SPA
31/01/2012 Naaya News WWF-Belgique lance un nouveau site baptisé Climate Challenge
Source: Belga
27/01/2012 Naaya News Stranding of a dead Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle
Source: UGMM
27/01/2012 Naaya News Concours photo ARGUS
Source: Argus
16/01/2012 Naaya News Full time lectureship in tropical agroecology at the Université libre de Bruxelles
Source: ULB
06/01/2012 Naaya News Une saisie de 204 caméléons à l’aéroport de Zaventem
Source: SPF Santé publique, Sécurité de la Chaîn..
06/01/2012 Naaya News Consultation du public sur la demande d’essai en champ pour trois ans avec du maïs génétiquement modifié
Source: SPF Santé publique, Sécurité de la Chaîn..
22/12/2011 Naaya News 2012 Belgian GTI call for proposal is open!
Source: GTI NFP
22/12/2011 Naaya News 2 PhD positions in Behavioural Ecology - Antwerp
Source: Erik Matthysen
28/11/2011 Naaya News 3rd call for pan-European research projects – ERA-net biodivERsA
Source: Biodiversa
21/11/2011 Naaya News Michel Batisse Award for Biosphere Reserve Management
Source: UNESCO
28/10/2011 Naaya News Biodiversity indicators 2011 for Flanders
Source: INBO
25/10/2011 Naaya News Public Consultation on the Implementation and Ratification of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to genetic resources and Benefit Sharing arising out of their utilization (ABS)
Source: European Union
18/10/2011 Naaya News Discover the exhibition "Imaging the world’s forests"
Source: Belspo
18/10/2011 Naaya News Appel à candidatures 2012 : Stage de formation sur FishBase et la taxinomie des poissons
Source: MRAC
14/10/2011 Naaya News Yearly competitions 2012-2013 of the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences are now open
Source: Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences
04/10/2011 Naaya News The Quarry Life Award
Source: Gaëtan de Maere
30/09/2011 Naaya News Belgium signs Nagoya Protocol on biological resources
Source: CBD Secretariat
29/08/2011 Naaya News SYNTHESYS CALL 2011 is NOW OPEN !
Source: Carole Paleco
22/08/2011 Naaya News 7th call of proposal: "Science for a sustainable development" (SSD)
Source: Belspo
27/06/2011 Naaya News Belgian Report of the IBY 2010
23/06/2011 Naaya News Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing signed by the EU and Member States (Part I)
Source: Secretariat of the Convention on Biologi..
21/06/2011 Naaya News EU Environment Ministers Discuss 2020 Biodiversity Strategy
13/06/2011 Naaya News Governments establish basis for implementation of Nagoya Protocol on Genetic Resources
Source: CBD NFP
10/05/2011 Naaya News UNEP course on "Synergies among Biodiversity Related Conventions"
Source: Belgian Foreign Affairs
03/05/2011 Naaya News A new strategy to halt biodiversity loss: EC Communication to Council and Parliament
Source: European Commission
29/04/2011 Naaya News Educational modules on the Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources
25/03/2011 Naaya News Job vacancies at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Source: Belspo
24/03/2011 Naaya News UNECE / FAO Launch PhD Thesis Award on Forest Management
Source: UNECE
22/02/2011 Naaya News The new web portal for Biodiversity in Wallonia is online
Source: Catherine Debuyne, Point focal régional ..
12/01/2011 Naaya News Dix-huit pour cent des terres européennes protégées
Source: Metro, journal quotidien, 12/01/2011
17/12/2010 Naaya News 2011 return grants for Belgian researchers working abroad
Source: Belspo
02/12/2010 Naaya News Postdoc fellowships to non-EU researchers: selection 2011
29/10/2010 Naaya News CBD COP10 - Faites la connaissance des membres de la délégation belge à Nagoya !
18/10/2010 Naaya News Objectif Earth, COP10 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (Nagoya, Japon) (in French)
Source: La Libre 18/10/2010
02/09/2010 Naaya News Second Call for proposals of new SYNTHESYS project - FPVII
Source: Carole Paleco
30/08/2010 Naaya News Public consultation on the post-2010 EU biodiversity strategy
Source: Biodiversity Unit, DG Environment
12/08/2010 Naaya News Reuzenberenklauw rukt op in België
Source: De Standaard online, 05/08/2010
10/06/2010 Naaya News European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy (EDIT) – Training opportunities
Source: EDIT Team Leader RBINS - WP8, Isabella V..
26/05/2010 Naaya News Counters see 3.211 species
Source: De Standaard, 25/05/2010
12/05/2010 Naaya News Publication of the Global Biodiversity Outlook 3
Source: United Nations
19/04/2010 Naaya News Le musée de Zoologie de l'ULB réouvre ses portes le 30 avril 2010
Source: RBINS
08/02/2010 Naaya News Belgian EU Presidency event
Source: Els Martens (ANB)
05/02/2010 Naaya News Professor vacancy in the field of Nematology at Ghent University (Closed)
Source: Prof. Dr. Wilfrida Decraemer
04/02/2010 Naaya News 2010 GTI call for proposal open
Source: GTI NFP
14/01/2010 Naaya News Approbation du plan fédéral pour l’intégration de la biodiversité dans quatre secteurs
Source: SPF DG Environnement
14/01/2010 Naaya News European Latsis Prize 2010
Source: European Science Foundation
14/01/2010 Naaya News German Chancellor Angela Merkel and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon officially launch the International Year of Biodiversity
Source: Secretariat of the COnvention on Biologi..
23/12/2009 Naaya News 366 gestes pour la biodiversité - 366 tips voor de biodiversiteit
04/12/2009 Naaya News Postdoc fellowships to non-EU researchers: Selection 2010
Source: Belgian Science Policy
04/12/2009 Naaya News 4th Biodiversity Platform Digitisation Project Call (2010-2011)
Source: The Belgian Biodiversity Platform
28/10/2009 Naaya News Fourth National Report
Source: CBD National Focal Point
20/05/2009 Naaya News International Biodiversity Day in Belgium
Source: CBD National Focal Point
28/04/2009 Naaya News Carta di Siracusa on biodiversity: Outcome of the G8+ Environment Ministers
09/02/2009 Naaya News Symposium "African Botany in Brussels" - 27 March 2009
03/02/2009 Naaya News 2009 call for proposals for taxonomic training and access to collections in Belgium launched by the Belgian GTI NFP (CLOSED)
Source: Belgian National Focal Point to the Glob..
27/10/2008 Naaya News Public consultation on developing a federal plan to integrate Biodiversity in four key sector (Economy, development cooperation, science policy and transport) (Consultation is closed)
09/09/2008 Naaya News Coopération au développement et biodiversité : main dans la main
Source: RBINS
18/08/2008 Naaya News Biodiversity: Will we wait for Al Gore II? (In Dutch)
Source: Het Nieuwsblad - 08/08/2008
15/05/2008 Naaya News 4th AnGR Photo Contest 2008
07/05/2008 Naaya News 2008 Call for proposals for taxonomic training and access to collections in Belgium (CLOSED)
01/05/2008 Naaya News Celebration of the International Day of Biodiversity 2008
Source: CBD National Focal Point
16/04/2008 Naaya News Bestuurder Natuurpunt krijgt prestigieuze natuurprijs
Source: Natuurpunt
04/03/2008 Naaya News Scoping study on an EU wide communications campaign on biodiversity and nature
Source: European Commission
01/02/2008 Naaya News Spring is on its way 2008!
Source: Belgian Clearing House Mechanism focal p..
18/01/2008 Naaya News Attitudes of Europeans (and Belgians) towards the issue of biodiversity
Source: European Commission
14/01/2008 Naaya News Brunei Darussalam will become the 191st Party to the CBD
Source: Secretariat of the Convention on Biologi..
11/01/2008 Naaya News New publication : Taxonomy Battles Poverty
Source: Belgian Focal Point to the Global Taxono..
16/10/2007 Naaya News Proceedings "Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: implications for Belgium"
Source: Belgian National Focal Point to the Conv..
16/10/2007 Naaya News ‘Avoided deforestation in DR Congo to combat climate change’ panel discussion, 8/11/07, Lisbon
Source: Belgian Development Cooperation
27/09/2007 Naaya News Biodiversity Campaign ‘I give life to my planet!’
Source: Belgian National Focal Point to the Conv..
20/07/2007 Naaya News Calls for proposals - Belgian CHM partnership
Source: Belgian Focal Point to the Clearing Hous..
13/06/2007 Naaya News 22 May 2007 Belgium joins the Countdown 2010 initiative !
11/05/2007 Naaya News New brochure on the importance of biodiversity
Source: RBINS
08/05/2007 Naaya News Funding sources for taxonomy and biodiversity
Source: Belgian Focal Point to the Global Taxono..
22/03/2007 Naaya News Spring is on its way 2007!
20/04/2006 Naaya News Public Consultation on the draft national strategy on biodiversity 2006-2016
logo CBD logo NFP Belgium logo RBINS