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News Entry into force of the Nagoya Protocol

The twelfth international summit for biodiversity - the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biodiversity (COP-12) - gathered governments from all over the world in Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea, from 29 September to 17 October 2014. Another important meeting took place at the same time under the umbrella of COP-12: the first Meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol (COP MOP-1).

Concerned URL
Source CBD Secretariat
Release date 28/10/2014
Geographical coverage World,
Keywords Nagoya Protocol, genetic resources,

This protocol, which entered into force the 12th October 2014with 51 ratifications, establishes clear rules for accessing, trading, sharing and monitoring the use of the world’s genetic resources that can be used for pharmaceutical, agricultural, cosmetic and other purposes. The implementation of the Protocol will significantly advance the third objective of the Convention: “the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources”.

During the meeting, governments have agreed to a series of actions that will further bolster the Nagoya Protocol, facilitate its effective implementation, and ensure that countries have the necessary resources to take the next steps to implement the Protocol.

Parties at the meeting adopted a strategic framework for capacity building and development to assist countries in their capacity building roadmap to ensure that they can implement the Protocol. They also adopted decisions on guidance to mobilize resources to ensure that developing countries including countries with economies in transition have sufficient resources to implement the Protocol.

In addition, countries agreed on procedures to establish a committee to promote compliance with the Protocol and address cases of non-compliance. They also called for measures to guide them in the use of the Access Benefit-Sharing Clearing House (ABS-CH) – the online platform that will enhance transparency on the use of genetic resources –and ensure all available information is registered there.

The COP MOP stressed the importance of raising awareness on the Protocol and adopted decisions to support activities to that end. It also called on the Global Environment Facility to increase funding for this objective.


For more information on the Nagoya Protocol: (Website of the Convention on Biological Diversity)

Press release from the CBD Secretariat on COP MOP-1:


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