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Folder Second National Report (2001)

PDF Second National Report - full text (without annexes) Download
HTML Document Introduction
HTML Document Thematic Programmes
HTML Document Article 5 - Co-operation
HTML Document Article 6 - General measures for conservation and sustainable use
HTML Document Article 7 - Identification and monitoring
HTML Document Article 8 - In situ conservation [excluding Articles 8h and 8j]
HTML Document Article 8h - Alien species
HTML Document Article 8j - Traditional knowledge and related provisions
HTML Document Article 9 - Ex-situ conservation
HTML Document Article 10 - Sustainable use of components of biological diversity
HTML Document Article 11 - Incentive measures
HTML Document Article 12 - Research and training
HTML Document Article 13 - Public education and awareness
HTML Document Article 14 - Impact assessment and minimizing adverse impacts
HTML Document Article 15 - Access to genetic resources
HTML Document Article 16 - Access to and transfer of technology
HTML Document Article 17 - Exchange of information
HTML Document Article 18 - Technical and scientific co-operation
HTML Document Article 19 - Handling of biotechnology and distribution of its benefits
HTML Document Article 20 - Financial resources
HTML Document Article 21 - Financial mechanism
HTML Document Article 23 - Conference of the Parties
HTML Document Article 24 - Secretariat
HTML Document Article 25 - Subsidiary body on scientific, technical and technological advice
HTML Document Article 26 - Reports
HTML Document Decision V/6. Ecosystem approach
HTML Document Inland water ecosystems
HTML Document Marine and coastal biological diversity
HTML Document Agricultural biological diversity
HTML Document Forest biological diversity
HTML Document Biological diversity of dry and sub-humid lands
HTML Document Decision V/20. Operations of the Convention
HTML Document Conclusion
HTML Document Annex 7.1.: List of references on inventory and monitoring activities in the Flemish Region
HTML Document Annex 7.2.: List of references on assessment, monitoring and indicator programmes in the Flemish Region
HTML Document Annex 8.1.: Nature conservation in the Walloon Region
HTML Document Annex 8.2.: Forest and nature reserves in Flanders
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