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Folder National reports

The objective of national reporting, as specified in Article 26 of the Convention on Biological Diversity, is to provide information on measures taken for the implementation of the Convention and the effectiveness of these measures. 

The reporting process is therefore not intended to give information on the status and trends of biological diversity as such in the country concerned, except if such information is relevant to the account of the implementation measures. 

The Belgian national reports are compiled by the National Focal Point, with the help of all relevant authorities at the federal and regional levels. They are submitted for approval to the steering committee 'Biodiversity Convention' and to the Inter-ministerial Cell for the Environment,  before being sent to the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

National reports are requested every four years.

Folder Sixth National Report (2019)
Folder Fifth National Report (2014)
Folder Fourth National Report (2009)
Folder Third National Report (2005)
Folder Second National Report (2001)
Folder First National Report (1998)
PDF Interim national report on the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol Download
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