Inland water ecosystems
Decision IV/4. Status and trends of the biological diversity of
inland water ecosystems and options for conservation and sustainable
310-Has your country included
information on biological diversity in wetlands when providing
information and reports to the CSD, and considered including inland water
biological diversity issues at meetings to further the recommendations of
the CSD? |
no |
yes |
X |
311-Has your country included inland
water biological diversity considerations in its work with organisations,
institutions and conventions affecting or working with inland
water? |
no |
yes |
X |
If a developing country Party or Party with economy in transition
312-When requesting support for
projects relating to inland water ecosystems from the GEF, has your
country given priority to identifying important areas for conservation,
preparing and implementing integrated watershed, catchment and river
basin management plans, and investigating processes contributing to
biodiversity loss? |
no |
yes |
313-Has your country reviewed the
programme of work specified in annex 1 to the decision, and identified
priorities for national action in implementing the programme? |
no |
under review |
X |
yes |
Decision V/2. Progress report on the implementation of the programme
of work on the biological diversity of inland water ecosystems
(implementation of decision IV/4)
314-Is your country supporting
and/or participating in the River Basin Initiative? |
no |
yes |
X |
315-Is your country gathering
information on the status of inland water biological diversity? |
no |
assessments ongoing |
X |
assessments completed |
X |
(315) Flanders - The status of inland water biological diversity is
monitored on a large timescale. Even when assessments are already carried
out for Belgium as a whole, the Flemish Region is still going on with
regional assessments to get a good picture on a larger time frame.
316-Is this information available to
other Parties? |
no |
yes - national report |
yes - through the CHM |
X |
yes - other means (please give details below) |
X |
(316 c) Direct links are in preparation.
316 d) Information available in scientific reports. A general overview is
given in:- Delbeuck, Cl, 2000. Etat de l'Environnement Wallon, 2000.
L'environnement wallon à l'aube du XXIe siècle. Approche évolutive.
Ministère de la Région wallonne, Direction générale des Ressources
Naturelles et de l'Environnement.- Kuijken, E. (red.), 1999. Natuurrapport
1999. Toestand van de natuur in Vlaanderen: cijfers voor het beleid.
Mededelingen van het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud 6, Brussel.
317-Has your country developed
national and/or sectoral plans for the conservation and sustainable use
of inland water ecosystems? |
no |
yes - national plans only |
yes - national plans and major
sectors |
X |
yes - national plans and all sectors |
318-Has your country implemented
capacity-building measures for developing and implementing these
plans? |
no |
yes |
X |
Decision III/21. Relationship of the Convention with the CSD and
biodiversity-related conventions
319-Is the conservation and
sustainable use of wetlands, and of migratory species and their habitats,
fully incorporated into your national strategies, plans and programmes
for conserving biological diversity? |
no |
yes |
X |