Article 26 - Reports
301-What is the status of your first
national report? |
Not submitted |
Summary report submitted |
Interim/draft report submitted |
Final report submitted |
X |
If b), c) or d), was your report
submitted: |
by the original deadline of 1.1.98
(Decision III/9)? |
by the extended deadline of 31.12.98 (Decision
IV/14)? |
X |
Later (please specify date) |
(301) Submitted during COP-4 (Bratislava) and distributed in situ
to all delegations.
Decision IV/14 National reports
302-Did all relevant stakeholders
participate in the preparation of this national report, or in the
compilation of information used in the report? |
no |
X |
yes |
(302) Some departments paid little or no attention to the first national
report. The private sector did not participate in the process.
303-Has your country taken steps to
ensure that its first and/or second national report(s) is/are available
for use by relevant stakeholders? |
no |
yes |
X |
If yes, was this by: |
informal distribution? |
publishing the report? |
X |
making the report available on
request? |
X |
posting the report on the Internet? |
X |
Decision V/19. National reporting
304-Has your country prepared
voluntary detailed thematic reports on one or more of the items for
in-depth consideration at an ordinary meeting of the parties, following
the guidelines provided? |
no |
X |
yes - forest ecosystems |
yes - alien species |
yes - benefit sharing |
(304) Thematic reports on forest biological diversity and alien species
are in preparation.