Article 8j - Traditional knowledge and related provisions
103-What is the relative priority
afforded to implementation of this Article and the associated decisions
by your country? |
High |
Medium |
Low |
X |
104-To what extent are the resources
available adequate for meeting the obligations and recommendations
made? |
Good |
Adequate |
Limiting |
Severely limiting |
X |
Further comments on relative priority and on availability of
Belgium does not consider that there are indigenous and local communities
within the meaning of the CBD in Belgium. Therefore some of these questions
are inappropriate for answer or are answered in our capacity as Party to the
CBD upholding the principles that the CBD has so far identified. In the
Walloon Region, there are no traditional knowledge as intended by the CBD.
However, some traditional and naturalist knowledge are still linked to rural
lifestyles. They tend to progressively vanish because of the disappearance
of those lifestyles.
105-Has your country undertaken
measures to ensure that the knowledge, innovations and practices of
indigenous and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles
relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity
are respected, preserved and maintained? |
no measures |
X |
some measures in place |
potential measures under review |
comprehensive measures in place |
106-Is your country working to
encourage the equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilisation
of such knowledge, innovations and practices? |
no |
X |
early stages of development |
advanced stages of development |
programme or policy in place |
Decision III/4 and Decision IV/9. Implementation of Article
107-Has your country developed
national legislation and corresponding strategies for the implementation
of Article 8(j)? |
no |
X |
early stages of development |
advanced stages of development |
legislation or other measures in place |
108-Has your country supplied
information on the implementation of Article 8(j) to other Contracting
Parties through media such as the national report? |
no |
yes - previous national report |
yes - CHM |
X |
yes - other means (please give details below) |
(108) In the frame of the CHM-partnership between Belgium and some
African countries, information on the implementation of Article 8(j) in
those countries can be found via their CHM website hosted on the Belgian CHM
109-Has your country submitted
case-studies to the Executive Secretary on measures taken to develop and
implement the Convention's provisions relating to indigenous and local
communities? |
no |
X |
yes |
110-Is your country participating in
appropriate working groups and meetings? |
none |
some |
X |
all |
(110) Two Belgian delegates were present at WG8J-1 (March 2000, Sevilla).
The Belgian Federal State takes part to the sessions of the
Intergovernmental Committee of the WIPO (World Intellectual Property
Organisation) on intellectual property relating to genetic resources,
traditional knowledge and folklore.
111-Is your country facilitating the
active participation of representatives of indigenous and local
communities in these working groups and meetings? |
no |
X |
yes |
Decision V/16. Article 8(j) and related provisions
112-Has your country reviewed the
programme of work specified in the annex to the decision, and identified
how to implement those tasks appropriate to national
circumstances? |
no |
X |
under review |
yes (please provide details) |
113-Is your country integrating such
tasks into its ongoing programmes, taking into account the identified
collaboration opportunities? |
no |
X |
not appropriate to national circumstances |
yes - to a limited extent |
yes - to a significant extent |
114-Is your country taking full
account of existing instruments, guidelines, codes and other relevant
activities in the implementation of the programme of work? |
no |
X |
not appropriate to national circumstances |
yes - to a limited extent |
yes - to a significant extent |
115-Has your country provided
appropriate financial support for the implementation of the programme of
work? |
no |
X |
not appropriate to national circumstances |
yes - to a limited extent |
yes - to a significant extent |
116-Has your country fully
incorporated women and women's organisations in the activities undertaken
to implement the programme of work contained in the annex to the decision
and other relevant activities under the Convention? |
no |
yes |
X |
(116) Biodiversity related activities in Belgium are open to all.
117-Has your country taken measures
to facilitate the full and effective participation of indigenous and
local communities in the implementation of the Convention? |
no |
X |
not appropriate to national circumstances |
yes - to a limited extent |
yes - to a significant extent |
118-Has your country provided case
studies on methods and approaches concerning the preservation and sharing
of traditional knowledge, and the control of that information by
indigenous and local communities? |
no |
not relevant |
yes - sent to the Secretariat |
yes - through the national CHM |
yes - available through other means
(please specify) |
X |
(118) A study on ethnobotany and traditional practices was elaborated.
The programme APFT (Avenir des Peuples des Forêts Tropicales, 1997-2000) was
carried out as a collaboration between Belgium (Université Libre de
Bruxelles and Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux), France (Centre
National de la Recherche Scientifique) and the United Kingdom (University of
Kent) under the financial assistance of the European Commission. A book was
subsequently produced ('Des Forêts et des Hommes', Editions de l'Université
Libre de Bruxelles, 2001). The main goal of the APFT programme was to study
and report the daily life of forest communities at the end of the 20th
century. Changes in the way of life of those communities were assessed and
some questions on tropical forests and their populations were adressed as
objectively as possible. This work was undertaken with the view of providing
decision-makers and donor agencies with a sound background for the
development of viable and serene political, economical and cultural systems
as well as for a sensible conservation of biodiversity.
119-Does your country exchange
information and share experiences regarding national legislation and
other measures for the protection of the knowledge, innovations and
practices of indigenous and local communities? |
no |
X |
not relevant |
yes - through the CHM |
yes - with specific countries |
yes - available through other means
(please specify) |
120-Has your country taken measures
to promote the conservation and maintenance of knowledge, innovations,
and practices of indigenous and local communities? |
no |
X |
not relevant |
some measures |
extensive measures |
121-Has your country supported the
development of registers of traditional knowledge, innovations and
practices of indigenous and local communities, in collaboration with
these communities? |
no |
X |
not relevant |
development in progress |
register fully developed |
122-Have representatives of
indigenous and local community organisations participated in your
official delegation to meetings held under the Convention on Biological
Diversity? |
not relevant |
X |
not appropriate |
yes |
123-Is your country assisting the
Secretariat to fully utilize the clearing-house mechanism to co-operate
closely with indigenous and local communities to explore ways that enable
them to make informed decisions concerning release of their traditional
knowledge? |
no |
X |
awaiting information on how to proceed |
yes |
124-Has your country identified
resources for funding the activities identified in the decision? |
no |
X |
not relevant |
partly |
fully |
Further comments on implementation of this Article
(general) Some traditional knowledge was collected in Belgium during
countryside investigations concerning traditional fruit uses, specific
landraces and plant multiplication techniques.