Forest biological diversity
Decision II/9 and Decision IV/7. Forest biological
359-Has your country included
expertise on forest biodiversity in its delegations to the
Intergovernmental Panel on Forests? |
no |
yes |
not relevant |
X |
360-Has your country reviewed the
programme of work annexed to the decision and identified how you can
collaborate in its implementation? |
no |
under review |
yes |
X |
361-Has your country integrated
forest biological diversity considerations in its participation and
collaboration with organisations, institutions and conventions affecting
or working with forest biological diversity? |
no |
yes - limited extent |
yes - significant extent |
X |
362-Does your country give high
priority to allocation of resources to activities that advance the
objectives of the Convention in respect of forest biological
diversity? |
no |
yes |
X |
(362) Walloon Region - In management plans and in financial incentives
for private and public forest owners, but also by integration of
biodiversity indicators in the regional continuous forest inventory.
For developing country Parties and Parties with economies in
transition -
363-When requesting assistance
through the GEF, Is your country proposing projects which promote the
implementation of the programme of work? |
no |
yes |
Decision V/4. Progress report on the implementation of the programme
of work for forest biological diversity
364-Do the actions that your country
is taking to address the conservation and sustainable use of forest
biological diversity conform with the ecosystem approach? |
no |
yes |
X |
365-Do the actions that your country
is taking to address the conservation and sustainable use of forest
biological diversity take into consideration the outcome of the fourth
session of the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests? |
no |
yes |
X |
366-Will your country contribute to
the future work of the UN Forum on Forests? |
no |
yes |
X |
(366) The Walloon Region will contribute to the future work of the UNFF
(no human resources for UNFF-1). One person is involved full-time in the
preparation of UNFF-2.
367-Has your country provided
relevant information on the implementation of this work
programme? |
no |
X |
yes - submission of case-studies |
yes - thematic national report
submitted |
yes - other means (please give details below) |
368-Has your country integrated
national forest programmes into its national biodiversity strategies and
action plans applying the ecosystem approach and sustainable forest
management? |
no |
yes - limited extent |
yes - significant extent |
X |
(368) Walloon Region - Not by the way of national forest programmes, but
via the 'Plan de Développement de la Nature' and management plans.
369-Has your country undertaken
measures to ensure participation by the forest sector, private sector,
indigenous and local communities and non-governmental organisations in
the implementation of the programme of work? |
no |
yes - some stakeholders |
Wa. |
yes - all stakeholders |
Fl. |
370-Has your country taken measures
to strengthen national capacities including local capacities, to enhance
the effectiveness and functions of forest protected area networks, as
well as national and local capacities for implementation of sustainable
forest management, including restoration? |
no |
some programmes covering some needs |
many programmes covering some
needs |
X |
programmes cover all perceived needs |
no perceived need |
371-Has your country taken measures
to implement the proposals for action of the Intergovernmental Forum on
Forests and the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests on valuation of forest
goods and services? |
no |
under consideration |
X |
measures taken |
(Forest biological diversity) For Forestry in Flanders:
- Research (genetic and molecular identification) and field inventory
projects on real indigenous species of trees and shrubs, with special
attention for rare and vulnerable species;
- Programme towards establishment of, and research in, a network of
forest reserves.