Article 6 - General measures for conservation and sustainable use
18-What is the relative
priority afforded to implementation of this Article and the associated
decisions by your country? |
High |
Medium |
Fl. |
Low |
19-To what extent are
the resources available adequate for meeting the obligations and
recommendations made? |
Good |
Adequate |
Limiting |
Severely limiting |
20-What is the status of
your national biodiversity strategy (6a)? |
none |
early stages of development |
Br. |
advanced stages of development |
Fl./Fed. |
completed |
completed and adopted |
Wa. |
reports on implementation available |
Fl. |
(20) Both the Flemish and Walloon Region have developed a biodiversity
strategy for the CBD-issues belonging to their competences (see below). The
Brussels Capital Region did not develop a strategy as such, but strategic
priorities are mentioned in various management plans and programmes. At the
federal level, strategic actions on biodiversity related themes are stated
in the Federal Plan for Sustainable Development. Strategic elements were
also mentioned in the First National Report of Belgium to the CBD, published
in 1998. At the national level, a national biodiversity strategy is being
developed, mainly based on all documents referenced above and aiming to
integrate biodiversity considerations into programmes and plans for all
concerned sectors. The National Strategy will be published in 2002.
21-What is the status of
your national biodiversity action plan (6a)? |
none |
early stages of development |
Br. |
advanced stages of development |
Wa./Fl. |
completed |
completed and adopted |
reports on implementation available |
Fl. |
(20 & 21) Flanders - The Environmental Policy and Nature
Development Plan (MINA-Plan 2: 1997-2001) is currently being implemented.
The overall aim is to enhance integration of nature conservation and
environmental policy into other sectoral and cross-sectoral policies.
MINA-Plan 2 includes an overall action plan for 13 Themes. Loss of
biodiversity is one of the main themes. The Plan indicates specific goals,
identifies expected outcomes as well as a timetable and the means to achieve
them, and establishes an institutional framework for the implementation. A
more detailed action plan is published every year to indicate implementation
on a yearly basis. On the level of local authorities a Provincial
Environment and Nature Plan by each of the 5 Provinces of Flanders is
developed every 5 years. Under the sectoral jurisdiction, specific policy
planning documents are being developed; e.g. nature conservation policy plan
and action plan, forestry action plan, integrated water policy plan. All of
those are integrated in the overall goals and targets of the environment
policy plan but also include the detailed planning of the implementation (=
action plan) under each sector. The next Environment-Nature Plan (MINA-Plan
3: 2002-2007) is being developed. Reporting on the implementation is
published in environment and nature reports: MIRA-1 (1994), MIRA-2 (1996),
MIRA-T 1998 (report on the implementation of each of the 13 themes of the
MINA-Plan), MIRA-T 1999 and MIRA-S 2000 which describes scenario's for
future development for 23 themes. An extensive reporting on nature
conservation policy and implementation is published in 1999 in the Nature
Report 1. The next report, Nature Report 2, is in preparation.
(20 & 21) Wallonia - The Environmental Plan for Sustainable
Development in the Walloon Region (PEDD), adopted by the Walloon Government
on 9 March 1995, constitutes the Region's contribution for a Biodiversity
Strategy (Book 3, chapter 1 - Biodiversity Conservation). The Region's CBD
Action Plan, the 'Nature Conservation Plan', based on the concept of
ecological network, is being developed. The Walloon Region has also adopted
the following strategic plans and projects that take into account
biodiversity issues: the Regional Spatial Development Project (SDER), for
which the Walloon Code of Town and Country Planning, Urban Development and
Heritage (CWATUP) serves as legal basis, the Walloon Program of Rural
Development and finally the Contract for the Future in Walloon Region, which
gives orientations for the development of the Region. All these plans are
dealing with biodiversity as an important element of Walloon natural
22-Do your national
strategies and action plans cover all articles of the Convention
(6a)? |
some articles only |
most articles |
X |
all articles |
23-Do your national
strategies and action plans cover integration of other sectoral
activities (6b)? |
no |
some sectors |
all major sectors |
all sectors |
Decision II/7 and Decision III/9 Consideration of Articles 6 and
24-Is action being taken
to exchange information and share experience on the national action
planning process with other Contracting Parties? |
little or no action |
sharing of strategies, plans and/or case-studies |
regional meetings |
25-Do all of your
country's strategies and action plans include an international
co-operation component? |
no |
yes |
X |
26-Are your country's
strategies and action plans co-ordinated with those of neighbouring
countries? |
no |
bilateral/multilateral discussions under way |
co-ordinated in some areas/themes |
X |
fully co-ordinated |
not applicable |
27. Has your country set
measurable targets within its strategies and action plans? |
no |
early stages of development |
advanced stages of development |
Wa./Fl. |
programme in place |
reports on implementation available |
Fl. |
If a developing country Party or a Party with economy in transition
28-Has your country
received support from the financial mechanism for the preparation of its
national strategy and action plan? |
no |
yes |
X |
If yes, which was the Implementing Agency
(UNDP/UNEP/World Bank)? |
Decisions III/21. Relationship of the Convention with the CSD and
biodiversity-related conventions
29-Are the national
focal points for the CBD and the competent authorities of the Ramsar
Convention, Bonn Convention and CITES co-operating in the implementation
of these conventions to avoid duplication? |
no |
yes - limited extent |
Fl. |
yes - significant extent |
(29) The Belgian Co-ordinating Committee for International Environmental
Policy (CCIEP) assures the co-ordination for all international aspects of
environmental policy. The CCIEP is composed by representatives of all the
federal and regional competent administrations. Several steering committees
are operating under the direct authority of the CCIEP. One of these is the
Steering Committee 'Biodiversity Convention'. To achieve an efficient
co-ordination at this level, the presidents (or their representatives) of
other CCIEP-groups concerned by the implementation of the CBD, such as
'Nature', 'Forests', 'Biosafety', 'Agriculture and Environment' and 'Trade
and Environment', are invited to each meeting of this Steering Committee.
The Nature Group of the CCIEP, chaired by the Nature and Forestry Division
of the Walloon Region, is in charge of the follow up of CBD-related nature
Conventions, such as CITES, Ramsar, Bern, Bonn, etc. Regarding the
preparation of CBD meetings such as SBSTTA and COP, the Nature Group is
preparing the Belgian positions concerning Article 8 of the Convention. The
Nature Group also co-ordinates the follow-up of the Pan-European Biological
and Landscape Diversity Strategy.