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In de Kijker

The Belgian National Focal Point to the Convention on Biological Diversity (or, short: the National Focal Point Biodiversity, NFP CBD) is an information hub and catalyser on anything that has to do with biodiversity in Belgium.

We stimulate the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, by formulating advice to policy makers, by informing, raising awareness and educating, and by promoting collaboration and projects on biodiversity.

Read more.

Exhibition Stop Wildlife Trafficking (European Parliament, 9-11 July 2018)

To mark the mid-term review of the European Union Action Plan on Wildlife Trafficking, Member of the European Parliament Catherine Beardsley asked the Belgian National Focal Point to the Convention on Biological Diversity to organize an awareness raising exhibition on the subject. To join forces the National Focal Point reached out to partners within the Museum of Natural Sciences as well as external partners such as WWF-Belgium, WWF-Europe, World Conservation Society, International Fund for Animal Welfare, Royal Museum of Central Africa, National Botanic Garden Meise, Brussels Airport, The Federal Public Service For Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, LifeWatch, University of Liège and TRAFFIC.

Belgium joins international bee coalition

Together with eleven other countries, Belgium signed the Declaration of the international Coalition of the Willing on Pollinators. Many more countries, organisations and businesses want to join.

“The declaration is a good start in worldwide protection of pollinators since they are not bind by borders”, one of the signatories declared.

13th Conference of the Parties focused on biodiversity integration

More than 160 countries committed themselves at the 13th biodiversity summit in Mexico. Some 8000 participants from 167 countries convened, including some representatives from the Royal Belgan Institute for Natural Sciences (National Focal Point and CEBioS programme).

What are the most important milestones?

La Belgique ratifie le Protocole de Nagoya (09.08.2016)

Le Protocole de Nagoya sur l'accès et le partage juste et équitable des avantages découlant de leur utilisation (Protocole de Nagoya), est un accord complémentaire à la Convention sur la diversité biologique. Il prévoit un cadre international pour l’accès aux ressources génétiques et aux connaissances traditionnelles qui y sont associées. Il vise le partage équitable des avantages découlant de leur utilisation. Certaines règles du Protocole sont mises en œuvre par l’Union européenne à travers deux règlements.

Branding biodiversity in the 21st century - CEPA IAC workshop

The way we communicate is fundamental to the success of biodiversity conservation. The chosen communication channels should be selected carefully, as each individual channel impacts the audience in different ways. The CEPA IAC meeting held on 28-29 July in Montreal addressed these issues.

Laureaten genieten van observatievlucht

Op 8 juli 2016 hebben twee laureaten van de wedstijd 1001 ideeën hun prijs ‘in ontvangst’ genomen.

Wendy Glénisson en Peter Berghmans stapten aan boord van het Britten Norman Islander verkenningsvliegtuig voor hun observatievlucht boven de Noordzee.

Le Truck Fédéral sensibilise sur la mer du Nord

Le service Milieu marin du SPF Environnement lance une campagne estivale sur le thème de la protection de la mer du Nord.

Début juillet et fin août, il informera et sensibilisera les vacanciers de différentes plages.

20 years of Biodiversity Convention in Belgium

The year 2016 is the 20 years anniversary of the Belgian ratification of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

A collective celebration of this anniversary highlights the importance of the implementation of the Convention by the actors in Belgium.