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Folder Belgian biodiversity-related legislation (laws, decrees, ordinances)

The Belgian situation is particularly complex since most competences relating to biodiversity and territorial issues depend from the three regions (Brussels Capital Region, Flanders and Wallonia). This means that Belgium generally has three sets of legislation for a given thematic area, or more when some competences still remain at federal level.

The number of pieces of legislation is such that it is not possible to list them all in detail. This section of the website offers links to relevant websites, and provides keywords to navigate more easily when necessary. The texts are either in French or in Dutch.

Folder Nature conservation
Folder Natura 2000
Folder Forestry and forest management
Folder Marine and coastal areas
Folder Inland waters and water management
Folder Hunting
Folder Fishing
Folder Wildlife trade
Folder Agriculture and rural development
Pointer Legislation repertories
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