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Folder Biodiversity for Development - A way forward to the SDGs

May 28th, 2018 (09.00-18.45)

Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS, Rue Vautier- Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussels)

How does development cooperation take biodiversity into account?

How does the support for biodiversity conservation, provided by Northern countries, contribute to poverty eradication in developing countries and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

This colloquium was organized to address these questions. It also celebrated the 5th anniversary of the CEBioS programme, developed to support the conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity linked to poverty eradication in partner countries of the Belgian Development Cooperation.

With 26 speakers and 109 participants, the event was a great success, thanks to the enthusiasm of all.

Overview of the program 

For whom ?

  • Actors of development cooperation
  • Actors of biodiversity conservation in the South (including scientists)
  • Anyone interested in the theme of the day

Contact: Lucie Ongena, 02/627.45.64, longena<at>

For more information, see the invitation. The abstract booklet of the event is also available.

You can now view the presentations, the pictures, the results of the public votes, a summary of the event and a video recap. More videos will follow... 

HTML Document Summary of the colloquium
HTML Document Video recap
PDF Invitation Download
PDF Abstract booklet Download
PDF Programme Download
PDF Results of the public votes Download
Pointer Presentations
Pointer Pictures
Pointer Press article (in French)