238-What is the relative priority
afforded to implementation of this Article and the associated decisions
by your country? |
High |
Medium |
Priv. |
Low |
X |
239-To what extent are the resources
available adequate for meeting the obligations and recommendations
made? |
Good |
Adequate |
Limiting |
X |
Severely limiting |
240-Has your country taken measures
to provide or facilitate access for and transfer to other Contracting
Parties of technologies that are relevant to the conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity or make use of genetic resources
and do not cause significant damage to the environment (16(1))? |
no measures |
some measures in place |
X |
potential measures under review |
comprehensive measures in place |
241-Is your country aware of any
initiatives under which relevant technology is transferred to your
country on concessional or preferential terms (16(2))? |
no |
X |
yes |
242-Has your country taken measures
so that Contracting Parties which provide genetic resources are provided
access to and transfer of technology which make use of those resources,
on mutually agreed terms (16(3))? |
not relevant |
relevant, but no measures |
some measures in place |
X |
potential measures under review |
comprehensive measures in place |
If so, are these measures |
Legislation |
Statutory policy or subsidiary legislation |
Policy and administrative
arrangements |
X |
243-Has your country taken measures
so that the private sector facilitates access to joint development and
transfer of relevant technology for the benefit of government
institutions and the private sector of developing countries
(16(4))? |
no measures |
X |
some measures in place |
potential measures under review |
comprehensive measures in place |
If so, are these measures |
Legislation? |
Statutory policy and subsidiary legislation? |
Policy and administrative
arrangements? |
244-Does your country have a
national system for intellectual property right protection
(16(5))? |
no |
yes |
X |
245-If yes, does it cover biological
resources in any way? |
no |
yes - limited extent |
yes - significant extent |
X |