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Folder Strategic objective 3. To raise awareness and communicate on the importance of biodiversity and ecosystem services for poverty reduction and sustainable development

The RBINS in its capacity of scientific institution and museum, as well as national focal point for the CBD, is placed in a unique position to contribute to awareness raising and communication on biodiversity and ecosystem services. It knows how to work with a wide range of audiences, which include the ‘general public’, schools, citizen associations, scientists, policy-makers...

It can capitalize on its experience gained as one of the main awareness raiser in Belgium to guide its partners in developing countries develop effective, efficient and relevant public awareness programmes or communication campaigns. In turn, the RBINS will also learn from its partners as each country has cultural specificities that makes communication so different from one place to another.

Meeting target 1 of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 requires that people are aware of (i) the importance of biodiversity (i.e. its environmental, cultural, economic and intrinsic values) and ecosystem services; and (ii) people are aware of the type of actions they can take to conserve biodiversity and use it sustainably. Different segments of society can take different actions depending on the types of activities they have control over.

The expected results are:

3.1. Baselines provide an insight on the level of awareness and/or commitment,
3.2. Awareness and commitment are raised,
3.3 Communication and awareness raising in Belgium