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Folder CBD National Focal Point conferences

This section presents a selection of conferences, symposia or workshops (co-) organized by the NFP CBD on biodiversity-related topics. Whenever available, the complete texts of the proceedings of these events are put on-line.

Folder 17-11-1999: Belgium and the Convention on Biological Diversity. A state of the art
Folder 14-12-2001: Belgian Fauna and Alien Species
Folder 22-05-2002: Ten years after Rio. What future for biodiversity in Belgium?
Pointer 27-10-2006: The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: implications for Belgium
Pointer 04-05-2007: Biodiversity: an essential partner in development
Pointer 22-05-2007: Belgian Day for biodiversity
Pointer 26-07-2008: Pas d’agriculture sans biodiversité – Conférence et débat
Pointer 19-05-2009: Press conference on invasive alien apecies & activities in Belgium
URL 09&10-03-2010: Conference SOS Invasions !
Pointer 30-06-2011: "Recent achievements and steps forwards for biodiversity in Europe and internationally"
Pointer 13-06-2013: "Updating the National Biodiversity Strategy until 2020"
Pointer 19-05-2014: "Networking event sur la Stratégie nationale pour la biodiversité"
Pointer 13-06-2014: Scoping meeting “Honey Bees, Indicator of Health and the Environment”
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