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HTML Document D. THEMATIC AREAS: Biological diversity of dry and sub-humid lands

Release date 14/02/2006

187. Is your country supporting scientifically, technically and financially, at the national and regional levels, the activities identified in the programme of work? (decisions V/23 and VII/2 )
a) No
b) Yes (please provide details below)  X

Further comments on scientific, technical and financial support, at the national and regional levels, to the activities identified in the programme of work.

The Belgian Development Cooperation supports activities in dry and sub-humid lands of some of its partner developing countries (mainly sub-Saharan African countries). These activities mostly contribute to sustainable rural development and ensuring food security, and have a strong component of soil rehabilitation, and prevention from erosion and degradation. The biodiversity component is most often a side-objective of these actions, and essentially consists of:

  • agricultural biodiversity (promotion of indigenous and traditional crops);
  • agroforestry;
  • preservation of natural vegetation around ponds, oasis or other natural sources of water.
188. Has your country integrated actions under the programme of work of dry and sub-humid lands into its national biodiversity strategies and action plans or the National Action Programme (NAP) of the UNCCD? (decisions V/23, VI/4 and VII/2)
a) No X
b) Yes (please provide details below)

Further comments on actions under the programme of work of dry and sub-humid lands integrated into national biodiversity strategies and action plans or the National Action Programme (NAP) of the UNCCD.

No specific action of the PoW on dry and sub-humid lands will be integrated into the National Biodiversity Strategy (in preparation) but some objectives will be proposed to ensure effective international cooperation for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and to enhance Belgium's contribution to the protection of global biodiversity (through the promotion of synergies between biodiversity-related international agreements and among the three Rio conventions).

189. Has your country undertaken measures to ensure synergistic/collaborative implementation of the programme of work between the national UNCCD process and other processes under related environmental conventions? (decisions V/23, VI/4 and VII/2)
a) No X
b) Yes, some linkages established (please provide details below)
c) Yes, extensive linkages established (please provide details below)

Further comments on the measures to ensure the synergistic/collaborative implementation of the programme of work between the national UNCCD processes and other processes under related environmental conventions.

The Sahelo-Saharan Antelopes project is an example of synergistic implementation: 

Programme Part A: Assessment

190. Has your country assessed and analyzed information on the state of dryland biological diversity and the pressures on it, disseminated existing knowledge and best practices, and filled knowledge gaps in order to determine adequate activities? (Decision V/23, Part A: Assessment, Operational objective, activities 1 to 6)
a) No X
b) No, but assessment is ongoing
c) Yes, some assessments undertaken (please provide details below)
d) Yes, comprehensive assessment undertaken (please provide details below)

Further comments on the relevant information on assessments of the status and trends and dissemination of existing knowledge and best practices.

Programme Part B: Targeted Actions

191. Has your country taken measures to promote the conservation and sustainable use of the biological diversity of dry and sub-humid lands and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilisation of its genetic resources, and to combat the loss of biological diversity in dry and sub-humid lands and its socio-economic consequences? (part B of annex I of decision V/23, activities 7 to 9)
a) No X
b) Yes, some measures taken (please provide details below)
c) Yes, many measures taken (please provide details below)

Further comments on the measures taken to promote the conservation and sustainable use of the biological diversity of dry and sub-humid lands and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilisation of its genetic resources, and to combat the loss of biological diversity in dry and sub-humid lands and its socio-economic consequences.

192. Has your country taken measures to strengthen national capacities, including local capacities, to enhance the implementation of the programme of work?
a) No X
b) Yes, some measures taken (please provide details below)
c) Yes, comprehensive measures taken (please provide details below)
d) Yes, all identified capacity needs met (please provide details below)

Further comments on measures taken to strengthen national capacities, including local capacities, to enhance the implementation of the programme of work.

Please elaborate below on the implementation of this programme of work and associated decisions specifically focusing on:

a) outcomes and impacts of actions taken;
b) contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Strategic Plan of the Convention;
c) contribution to progress towards the 2010 target;
d) progress in implementing national biodiversity strategies and action plans;
e) contribution to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals;
f) constraints encountered in implementation.

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