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Folder Steering committee

The members of the Steering committee, meeting twice a year are:

  • Noeline Raondry Rakotoarisoa
    Senior Programme Specialist
    Chief, Biosphere Networks & Capacity Building Section
    Science Sector Focal Point for Africa
    Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences, UNESCO

  • Brigitte Decad
    International Coordination

  • Meine van Noordwijk
    Chief Science Advisor and Co-Leader - Environmental Services
    ICRAF (Bogor, Indonesia),
    Professor at Wageningen University, Holland

  • Honore Tabuna
    Expert valorisation biodiversité et Economie de l'environnement
    Communauté Economique des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale (CEEAC)

  • Gert van Hecken
    Expert in PES in the South
    Institute of Development Policy and Management at University of Antwerp.