Work Package B
In work package B, rapid assessment tools will be tested for application on 4 selected UNESCO-MAB sites.
These sites are chosen as a function of their representativeness for different ecosystems, biomes and relative weights of ecosystem services and stakeholders, as well as based on the track record of the consortium members to optimally capitalise on their expertise and existing networks and projects concerning these sites (see summary table on pg. 12).
It concerns Lake Manyara (Tanzania), Mount Elgon (Uganda), Pendjari National Park (Bénin) and Lake Tana (Ethiopia).
The work package is subdivided into the 3 clusters of assets analysed, being (B1) biodiversity and agro-biodiversity, (B2) hydrology, (B3) carbon storage. Sub-package B4 handles specifically on economic assessment of these asset clusters on the 4 sites.
The implementation of WP B will be carried out with the support of own (co-)funding from other projects: L. Manyara with a North South South VLIR-UOS project, Lake Tana with a starting 10 year VLIR-UOS Inter University Collaboration (IUC)-program, the ongoing 2013-2018 TEAM VLIR-UOS project 'SureLive' in the Mt Elgon area, Uganda and Pendjari National Park with CEBioS cooperation with Université d’Abomey-Calavi.