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Folder Partners

EVAMAB consortium is a multi- and transdisciplinary team of 4 Belgian partners: one Federal Scientific Institute (RBINS) and 3 universities (KU Leuven, ULB, UA). It consolidates Belgian research potential by linking the different groups on a common challenge and focusing on developing an innovative approach to evaluate UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserves ecosystem services. They combine complementary expertise on economic, ecological and global carbon components of rapid assessment tools of ecosystem services in protected areas, as well as expertise in science-policy interface.

The partners:

  • The CEBioS Programme (promotor of the EVAMAB project)
    ‘Capacities for Biodiversity and Sustainable Development’
    Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
    Rue Vautier 29- 1000 Brussels, Belgium.
    Contact persons: Dr. Luc Janssens de Bisthoven, Ir. Anne-Julie Rochette
    (e-mails: ljanssens[at]; ajrochette[at]

  • KU Leuven

    Departement Forest, Nature and Landscape
    Celestijnenlaan 200e - bus 2411
    3001 Leuven
    Contact person: Dr. Bruno Verbist
    (e-mail: Bruno.Verbist[at]

  • Université Libre de Bruxelles

    Laboratory of Systems Ecology and Resource Management CP169
    Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 50, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
    Contact person: Dr. Jean Hugé
    (e-mail: Jean.Huge[at]

  • Universiteit Antwerpen

    Departement Engineering Management
    Research group Environmental Economics
    S.B.124 - 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
    Contact person: Prof. Steven Van Passel
    (e-mail: Steven.VanPassel[at]


Folder Partners in the South
Folder Steering committee