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Folder Legislation repertories

The legislation in Belgium is made on different levels according to the competences of the federal and regional governments.  To find information on different themes on biodiversity one can search the official Belgian law data base with specific keywords in Dutch, French or German. Flanders and the Walloon Region have their own databases for their legislation.

To facilitate your searches in the different databases you can find links and keywords according to themes in this directory.

Folder Nature conservation
Folder Natura 2000
Folder Forestry and forest management
Folder Marine and coastal areas
Folder Inland waters and water management
Folder Hunting
Folder Fishing
Folder Wildlife trade
Folder Agriculture and rural development
URL Belgian Monitor (official texts, but the older texts are not always available)
URL BRUCODEX Environnement (Législation en matière d'environnement en région de Bruxelles-capitale) (NL)
URL BRUCODEX Environnement (Législation en matière d'environnement en région de Bruxelles-capitale) - FR
URL Eur-Lex (European Union legislation)
URL Flemish Environmental Legislation Navigator
URL Gallilex (French Community legislation)
URL Treaties of the Council of Europe
URL United Nations treaty collection
URL Vlaamse Codex (Flemish legislation)
URL Wallex (Walloon Region legislation)
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