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Folder Biodiversity Strategy 2020 (online version in EN/NL/FR/DE)

Folder Pdf versions and summary of the Biodiversity Strategy 2020
HTML Document Colophon
HTML Document Context and process of elaboration
HTML Document Preface
HTML Document The updated Strategy in a nutshell
HTML Document Part I: Introduction
HTML Document Part II: The Belgian political framework
HTML Document Part III: Guiding principles, concepts and approaches
HTML Document Part IV: The updated strategy to 2020
Pointer Strategic and operational objectives
HTML Document Part V: Implementation and follow-up of the Strategy
HTML Document List of abbreviations
HTML Document Glossary
HTML Document References
HTML Document Appendix 1: Actors for biodiversity in Belgium
HTML Document Appendix 2: Main international agreements and instruments directly relevant for biodiversity
HTML Document Appendix 3: Main international organisations that have an impact on biodiversity
Pointer Appendix 4: Concordance of the Aichi Targets with the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020 and Aichi Targets with Biodiversity 2020, Update of Belgium’s National Strategy
HTML Document Contacts
HTML Document CBD milestones in Belgium
Photo Gallery Figures and tables from the Biodiversity Strategy 2020
Photo Gallery Postcards implementation SNB
logo CBD logo NFP Belgium logo RBINS