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HTML Document Scientific institutions, advisory bodies, financial bodies and associations

Release date 20/04/2006

Scientific institutions

Furthermore, there is one research institution involved with applied ecological research with a view to nature conservation, recovery and management, presenting science-based knowledge for policy makers:

Advisory and consultative bodies

The two main advisory councils within the policy domain are:

The other advisory councils are rather sectoral. There are four Supreme Councils: the Flemish High Council for Foretry (VHB), the Flemish High Council for Freshwater Fishing (VHRV), the Flemish High Council for Hunting (VHJ) and the Flemish High Council for Nature Conservation (VHRN).

Financial body

The Flemish Environmental Holding (VMH) is the financial pillar of the Flemish environmental policy. It is in charge of developing economic activities that offer solutions for environmental problems, by taking participations in businesses active in the environmental field.


Several non-governmental organisations (NGO's) are especially active in nature conservation. They buy and manage valuable nature reserves with financial support of the authorities, keep a close eye on nature policy and organise educational activities for a large public. Divisions of Natuurpunt are spread all over Flanders. Other associations, such as the Stichting Limburgs Landschap, are more regional. The Bond Beter Leefmilieu (BBL), which is an umbrella organisation, forms the bridge between nature and environment.

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