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Folder European CHM cooperation

European cooperation for the CHM is essentially taking place through the European Community Clearing House Mechanism, or EC CHM in short. The objective of the EC CHM is to promote technical cooperation and technology transfer within the European Union and its Member States, within the Pan European Region and with the rest of the world. The European Environment Agency is the driving force behind the EC CHM.

Belgium contributes to the EC CHM activities by

  • participating in European meetings organised in collaboration with the CBD Secretariat. These meetings serve to echange experiences and to reinforce networking at European level
  • contributing actively to the development of the EC CHM Portal Toolkit, a web content management tool
  • pooling expertise with other European countries to undertake common projects.

Belgium also has long lasting bilateral CHM cooperation with several European countries, such as Germany, the Netherlands and France.

Folder Spring is on its way!
Pointer EC CHM collaborating countries
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