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Folder Red lists of threatened species

What are red lists of threatened species?

Several decades ago, the World Conservation Union (IUCN) started assessing the conservation status of species, subspecies, varieties and even selected subpopulations on a worldwide level. IUCN wanted to highlight which groups were threatened with extinction, in order to promote their conservation. In order to do so, it established a ranking system designating the risk that species encounter (e.g. being extinct, critically in danger, vulnerable, least concerned).

Since then, red lists of threatened species have been developed at a variety of scales, including at national and sub-national level.

Red lists in Belgium

Red lists are established at the sub-national level, since nature conservation is a competence of the Regions in Belgium. Each Region (Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels) proceeds with the establishment of its own lists. This is particularly the case for the animal and plant groups which are monitored on a regular basis, such as mammals, birds and vascular plants. For some groups, where national surveys have been carried out, red lists exist at the national level.

This page summarises existing information on red lists of threatened species of the Belgian fauna and flora. Whenever available, links are given to the relevant web sites.

The following table has been compiled from the Regional biodiversity websites, August 2014.

+ Red list exists, Excel file in Dutch or French
(for information about the authors and dates for Flanders, please visit this website)
* Red list exists, PDF file in Dutch or French
++ Red list exists, web page in Dutch or French
T Explanatory note on status of species available on the web
Taxonomic group Brussels


Mammals T + * T  ++
Birds T  * * T (breeding birds) *
Reptiles   * ++
Amphibians   * ++
Fishes   +  * T  ++
Dragonflies   + T  ++
Grasshoppers   +  
Butterflies   +  * ++   T
Water bugs   +  
Carabid beetles   +
Coccinellid beetles   ++
Dolichopodid flies   +  
Empidid flies   +  
Bees, bumble bees    
Ants   + *  
Spiders   +  
Land snails   +  
Vascular plant   + ++
Fungi (Mushrooms)   +

Brussels: Red lists, or proposals for red lists, exist for some groups. Contact person: Olivier BECK, Brussels Environment, Havenlaan 86C/3000 B-1000 Brussel. E-mail: obeck<at> Web:

Flanders: Red lists have been established, validated and officially adopted for a number of groups. Work is ongoing for other groups. Overview of the validated IUCN Red Lists in Flanders. Contact person: Dr. Jurgen Tack, Research Institute for Nature and Forests, Flanders, Kliniekstraat 25, B-1070 Brussels. Web:

Wallonia: Red lists have been established for some groups, while a number of preliminary lists are currently being revised. Contact person: Annick Terneus, Director Natural and Agricultural environment studies department of the Walloon Public Service, Avenue Maréchal Juin 23, B-5030 Gembloux. Web: Indicateurs Clés de l'Environnement Wallon, 2012

For national data, please visit the webpage of Statistics Belgium on the red list of Belgian species.

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