Sudan implemented UNDP- GEF Global ABS project . Many deliverables are achieved. Thsese include the National  legal Frame work to implement Nagoya Protocol, bylaws, 4 community protocols, guidlines on inventory of tradional knoweldge, Biodiscovery strategy...etc

Release date 25/02/2020
Contributor khitma mohammed

Sudan implemented UNDP- GEF Global ABS project . Many deliverables are achieved. Thsese include the National  legal Frame work to implement Nagoya Protocol, 4 community protocols aslo developed to help local communities under consideration (Pastouralists, Healers, Gum A rabic associations and Forests community) to make descions on Access of thier gentic resources and or associated tradional khnoweldge and to granteesharing of  benefits arising from utilazation of these resources. Under the project guidlines on inventory of tradional knowledge were also developed. These in addtion to the development of Biodiscovery strategy and implementaion of 4 piolet cases  in 4 sectors including agriculture, wildlife, National Center for Research and Animal Resources Research Center.

Thanks to UNDP and GEF for providing supports for implementaion of Nagoya Protocol.

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