Folder Strategies and Actions Plans

Sudan completed its first NBSAP in 2000. The ultimate goal of the action plan is the conservation of the components of Sudan’s biological diversity to enhance opportunities for their utilization. The intermediate goals are: filling the gaps in scientific knowledge; agricultural biodiversity; forestry provenance research; documentation; property rights; organizational structures; requirements for start-up; Nile water development projects; Sudan’s environment debt and economic valuation. 
A national partial census is conducted twice a year along the Nile Flyway. The recommendation of the NBSAP was taken into consideration in the inclusion of ecosystems not previously included in the protected areas. The development of management plans for Dinder National Park (DNP), Sanganeb and Dongoab can be attributed to the implementation of the NBSAP, GEF and the African Parks funds. The management of DNP is based on the concept of biosphere reserves and succeeds in raising awareness among neighboring communities, establishing Village Development Committees (VDCs) and adapting models for alternative livelihood. 
The NBSAP is considered inadequate to address the identified threats to biodiversity. Initiatives to build capacity within the Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources (HCENR), Wildlife Conservation General Administration and the Wildlife Research Center are urgently required. 
Sudan has initiated activities regarding NBSAP revision, including the establishment of targets based on the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.

Folder Program of Work on protected Areas (POWPA)
Folder Sudan First National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
Folder The National Biodiversity Resource mobilization Plan
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