News Second and Third consultation workshops on ABS law

The National Access and benefit sharing consultation workshop was held on 7 Aug.  2017. The workshop targetd the represntatives of the Ministry of  Agriculture  and its different depertmanents. The Consultation aims to identify gaps, shortcomings and gaps challenges,  and opportunities  in the context of ABS.

Release date 08/08/2017
Contributor khitma mohammed

In her opening speech, Dr. EL Khitma Mohammed, the national progect coordinator  said the national ABS law is important to ensure that the country’s genetic resources and the associated traditional knowledge are properly conserved and sustainably utilized, and its communities get fair and equitable share of benefits arising from their utilization.

The national consultant Mr. Yasir Ahmed Salih provided a presntaion which gave an overview of the Nagoya Protocol to provide participants with an understanding of NP, and other measures like Prior Inform Concent (PIC) and Mutatually Agreed Terms (MAT).

On large-scale, the participants stressed the importance of developing an ABS  national mechanism (legal framework) to ensure equitabale benefit sharing of genetic resources and traditional khnowldege  

However Dr. ELTahir Ibrahim, Agricultural Research Corporation and Dr. Afafa ELJizoli, General Direcrectorate of Horticultural Production empasized the importance of registeration of genetic resources and associated traditional knoweldge.

The third consultation workshop was also held with Forest National Corporation and General Directorate of Wildlife  on Augest, 8 2017.  Again the participants emphasized the importance of national legislation to facilitate access to its genetic resources and ensure fair and equitable benefit sharing and regiestration of genetic resources and associated tradional knoweldeg.

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