Event 14th International Meiofauna Conference FourtIMCo

The FourtIMCo aims to bring high-quality scientific presentations and discussions in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, allowing optimal interaction between scientists from different levels, disciplines, etc… The organizers will therefore endeavour to provide a forum both to established experienced scientists and to young researchers in an early stage of their career.

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Period [11/07/2010 - 16/07/2010]
Event location Aula Academica of Ghent University Voldersstraat, 9 - 9000 Gent
Host Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Afdeling Mariene Biologie
Event URL http://www.fourtimco.ugent.be/
Contact person
Email address: fourtimco@ugent.be
Phone: 09/264 85 31
Fax: 09/264 85 98
Contributor Vinciane Dutordoir
Geographical coverage Flandre orientale
Keywords conférence