Story Training course to build capacity in the preparation of management plans for Protected Area, Aden

Training course to build capacity in the preparation of management plans for Protected Area, Aden

Aden (saba) - Held in Aden during the period December 12 to 14, 2011 December a training course to build capacity in the preparation of management plans for protected area and perceptions of projects, monitoring and evaluation.

Release date 03/01/2012
Source SABA

Held in Aden during the period December 12 to 14, 2011 December a training course to build capacity in the preparation of management plans for protected area and perceptions of projects, monitoring and evaluation.

The training course organized by Environment Protection Authority  and the sustainable natural resources management Programme (Phase II),  it was aim to the definition of a cadre of 40 branches in the governorates departments to how to manage protected area and conservation of ecosystems and species in protected areas.

He urged the national coordinator of Convention on Biodiversity Hakim  Rajeh the trainees to absorb all the output of the session and the application of content to practice.