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Marine and coastal biological diversity
Release date | 09/02/2006 |
Decision II/10 and Decision IV/5. Conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal biological diversity
320-Does your national strategy and action plan promote the conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal biological diversity? | |
no | |
yes - limited extent | |
yes - significant extent | X |
321-Has your country established and/or strengthened institutional, administrative and legislative arrangements for the development of integrated management of marine and coastal ecosystems? | |
no | |
early stages of development | X |
advanced stages of development | |
arrangements in place | |
322-Has your country provided the Executive Secretary with advice and information on future options concerning the conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal biological diversity? | |
no | X |
yes | |
323-Has your country undertaken and/or exchanged information on demonstration projects as practical examples of integrated marine and coastal area management? | |
no | |
yes - previous national report | |
yes - case-studies | |
yes - other means | X |
(323) Integrated marine and coastal management: Belgium is currently completing a project called 'Integral Coastal Conservation Initiative' with the financial support of the EU LIFE-Nature programme. Activity reports are available yearly. The final report is due at the end of 2001.
324-Has your country programmes in place to enhance and improve knowledge on the genetic structure of local populations of marine species subjected to stock enhancement and/or sea-ranching activities? | |
no | |
programmes are being developed | |
programmes are being implemented for some species | X |
programmes are being implemented for many species | |
not a perceived problem | |
325-Has your country reviewed the programme of work specified in an annex to the decision, and identified priorities for national action in implementing the programme? | |
no | |
under review | X |
yes |
Decision V/3. Progress report on the implementation of the programme of work on marine and coastal biological diversity (implementation of decision IV/5)
326-Is your country contributing to the implementation of the work plan on coral bleaching? | |
no | |
yes | |
not relevant | X |
327-Is your country implementing other measures in response to coral bleaching? | |
no | |
yes (please provide details below) | |
not relevant | X |
328-Has your country submitted case-studies on the coral bleaching phenomenon to the Executive Secretary? | |
no | |
yes | |
not relevant | X |