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Folder International cooperation

The main driver for international scientific cooperation is the European Union's 'Framework Programme for Research', currently in its seventh phase (FP7). This programme funds projects for scientific and technological cooperation between different EU countries, with a specific aim to achieve lasting integration of research and research infrastructure. Belgian universities and scientific institutions participate in a great number of projects, including for biodiversity.

Another programme for scientific cooperation in the field of biodiversity is taking place through the European Science Foundation and its EuroDiversity programme.

In addition to these European initiatives, the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office has set up various programmes for international cooperation. It coordinates closely with the Belgian Communities and Regions in all its international activities.

The Belgian Development Cooperation provides important funding for scientific cooperation with developing countries, via its programmes with universities and scientific institutions. Biodiversity is well represented in these programmes, among others via the capacity building activities of the Royal Museum for Central Africa and the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. In the case of universities, the scientific cooperation programmes are managed by the university councils: the VLIR-UOS for the Flemish Community and the CIUF-CUD for the French-speaking community.

Pointer Directorate General for Development Cooperation: cooperation through scientific institutions
Pointer Directorate General for Development Cooperation: university cooperation
Pointer Federal Science Policy Office: bilateral cooperation
Pointer Federal Science Policy Office: extra-European cooperation
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