HTML Document Use of the natural resources by the riverain populations and environmental degradation in the hunting preserve of the Djona

The hunting preserve of the Djona is subject to high pressure related to its occupation by agro-pastoral activities which are extensive agriculture and traditional herding marked by sedentarization and transhumance. These different
threats are responsible for the reduction of the biological diversity of this reserve. The objective of this study is to expose the different types of threats that weigh on the biodiversity and to propose efficient measures for its sustainable
conservation. Phyto-sociological data have made it possible to provide a typology to vegetal groupings from their floristic composition. A diachronic study of the occupation of the soil was carried out by comparing two maps of the occupation of the soil at different periods. The results indicate a decrease in biological diversity due to a regression of fringe forests, wooded and treed savannas in favour of shrubland savannas, fields and fallows. If these regressive trends in the vegetation are maintained, wildlife run the risk of seeing their habitat disappear, which will inevitably lead to their


Abdou Rachidi Saliou, Brice Sinsin


Université d'Abomey Calavi, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, Laboratoire d'Ecologie Appliquée (UAC/FSA/LEA)- Bénin- 03 BP 1974 Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 21 36 01 26 / +229 21 31 79 93/229 21 30 30 84
Fax: +229 21 30 30 84

Date de publication 13/10/2015
Contributeur Bertrand Ayihouénou
Couverture géographique Bénin
Mots-clefs Phyto-sociological groups – Vegetation dynamics – Anthropic pressure – Herding – Extensive agriculture