PDF Traditional ecological knowledge-based assessment of threatened woody species and their potential substitutes in the Atakora mountain chain, a threatened hotspot of biodiversity in Northwestern Benin, West Africa

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Upload date 27 Apr 2018
Contributeur J. Roméo TOHOUN
Couverture géographique Bénin,
Mots-clefs Beta-diversity, Atakora mountain chain, Socio-cultural factors, Forest resources,
Date de publication 27/04/2018
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1 Traditional ecological knowledge.pdf (actuel) J. Roméo TOHOUN 27 Apr 2018 1 MB application/pdf

Background: Atakora mountains in Benin are a unique but fragile ecosystem, harboring many endemic plant
species. The ecosystem is undergoing degradation, and the woody vegetation is dramatically declining due to high
anthropogenic actions and recurrent drought. This study aimed to (i) assess the diversity of threatened woody species
and (ii) identify their potential substitutes in the three regions of the Atakora mountains namely East Atakora, Central
Atakora, and West Atakora.
Methods: The data were collected during expeditions on surveyed localities through semi-structured individual
interviews. Free-listing was used to record threatened woody species and which were important and why. Alphadiversity
indices were used to assess diversity of threatened and important threatened woody species. A correspondence
analysis was used to determine the reason supporting their importance. Differences in species composition were assessed
using analysis of similarities. A number of potential substitutes were compared among species using generalized
linear models.
Results: A total of 117 woody species (37 families and 92 genera) were identified. The most prominent families
were Fabaceae (19.66%), Combretaceae (12.82%), and Moraceae (10.26%), and the richest genera were Ficus (10 species),
Combretum (6), and Terminalia (5). Most threatened species differed across regions (East Atakora, Central Atakora, and
West Atakora) and included Afzelia africana, Anogeissus leiocarpa, Borassus aethiopum, Diospyros mespiliformis,
Khaya senegalensis, Milicia excelsa, and Pterocarpus erinaceus. Most socio-economically important species (K. senegalensis,
Parkia biglobosa, Vitellaria paradoxa, and V. doniana) were used mainly for food, timber, and fuelwood purposes. Old
and adult people, and Dendi and Fulfulde sociolinguistic groups had greater knowledge of threatened woody plant
species. High intercultural differentiations in species composition were detected between Bariba-Berba and Bariba-
Natimba. Knowledge of substitutes also differed across regions with P. erinaceus, Isoberlinia spp., and A. africana being
the most cited substitutes.

Conclusion: Basic data was provided here to inform decision and guide efficient management of woody resources.
There was evidence that immediate conservation measures are required for some high economic value woody taxa
which were critically threatened. Ex-situ conservation of these species while promoting their integration into
agroforestry-based systems were recommended. Besides, community-based management programs and communityled
initiatives involving knowledgeable people from different horizons will lead to a long-lasting conservation of these
threatened resources.