HTML Document The distribution of protected areas and conservation of flora in the republic of Benin

An analysis of the spatial distribution of the protected forests of Benin was carried out on the basis of 34 sites of vegetation. It emerged that the current distribution of protected areas does not guarantee the conservation of flora since many priority species for conservation are found outside these spaces. The preservation of priority species is indissociable with the conservation of common species and with the maintenance of a high vegetal diversity. Several supplementary sites (mostly small areas), currently unprotected, are proposed.


Aristide Adomou, Hounnankpon Yedomonhan, Brice Sinsin, Laurentius Josephus
and Gerardus Van Der Maesen


Université d'Abomey Calavi, Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, Laboratoire d'Ecologie Appliquée (UAC/FSA/LEA)- Bénin- 03 BP 1974 Cotonou, Benin Tel: +229 21 36 01 26 / +229 21 31 79 93/229 21 30 30 84
Fax: +229 21 30 30 84

Date de publication 13/10/2015
Contributeur Bertrand Ayihouénou
Couverture géographique Bénin
Mots-clefs Conservation of flora – Protected areas – Benin