HTML Document Fungicide effect of banana column juice on tomato southern blight caused by Sclerotium rolfsii: Technical and economic efficiency

The efficiency of banana column juice was compared to that of the synthetic fungicide Maneb 80 and urea in laboratory, in pots under shed and in the field. In laboratory, the products underwent trials conducted on the culture of Sclerotium rolfsii, in pots on artificially inoculated plants, and in the field on plants installed in a completely randomized block design with three repetitions on a naturally fungus infected field. The banana column juice, the urea and the Maneb 80 inhibited the growth of the mycelium and the germination of the sclerotia. The analysis of the variance of the Area Under Disease Incidence Progress Curve (AUIPC) showed a highly significant difference among treatments. In the control of the disease, the benefit of the treatment with banana column juice, Maneb 80 and urea resulted in the reduction of the incidence by 45.5, 31.6 and 38.2% respectively and an increase of the yield of about 27.5, 25.5 and 10.5% respectively. The banana column juice was technically more efficient than Maneb 80 and urea. The banana column juice and the Maneb 80 were economically profitable only during the off-season. The simultaneous application of banana column juice and urea was an amendment harmful to tomato growing.

Source de publication: African Journal of Agricultural Research 5(23): 3230-3238.

Contacts du ou des auteurs: Rachidatou Sikirou, Afio Zannou (, Gualbert Gbèhounou, Félicien Tosso and Françoise Assogba Komlan

Date de publication 21/11/2013
Contributeur Jean Didider akpona
Couverture géographique Benin
Mots-clefs Disease control, biofungicide, sclerotium rolfsii, decision matrix, tomato, economic evaluation