HTML Document Firewood potential production of three sahelian woody species (Grewia bicolor, Pterocarpus lucens and Combretum glutinosum) in Ferlo (Northern Senegal)

This study aim to find the mostly used forest species for firewood, to establish predictive models for the wood potential and evaluates the needs and the potentialities of production of the ligneous in Velingara-Ferlo Rural Community (Senegal) in western Africa. Three mostly preferred firewood species (Combretum glutinosum, Pterocarpus lucens and Grewia bicolor) were identified using socio-economical investigations. The daily wood consumption was estimated from women, to 1.26 kg wood/anybody/day. Allometric relations were also established between the woody biomass and circumference based on dendrometrical and weighed data matrix built from woody individuals, i.e. C. glutinosum (n = 23), P. lucens (n = 12) and G. bicolor (n = 12). This contributes to assess the woody average production of these species which is estimated to 3.5 tons ha. C. glutinosum shows the largest contribution of this value due to it relatively high density (103 individuals per hectare). The wood quantity currently used a year (7318 tons) meanly account for 2.4% of the forest trees stands (309 474 tons).

Source de publication: Advances in Environmental Biology, 6(8): 2329-2334, 2012

Contacts du ou des auteurs: Daouda NGOM, Amy BAKHOUM, Valentin KINDOMIHOU, Sékouna DIATTA, Léonard Elie AKPO

Date de publication 18/03/2014
Contributeur Bertrand Ayihouénou
Couverture géographique Northern Senegal
Mots-clefs firewood - surveys - production - allometric relations