HTML Document Effet de l’ombrage du karité sur le rendement capsulaire du coton dans les agroécosystèmes coton-karité du Nord Bénin

Influence of the shea butter trees shadiness on cotton culture was studied in shea butter treescotton agroecosystems in four villages of Northern Benin. Three classes of crown diameter of shea butter trees were distinguished after inventory phase and 2 individuals by class of crown diameter were chosen to shelter the experimentation. Circular plot of 7.06 m² were installed under shea butter trees crown at ½r and out shea butter trees crown at 2r (r= crown radius) in the four cardinal directions of each tree sample. In total 192 experimental units were installed in the four sites. Results of analysis of variance, fixed model revealed a very high significant difference of the variables considered (number of plant/m²; number of branches loaded of capsules/plant; number of capsules per plant) between plots under influence and out of the influence of the crown of shea trees (P< 0.001). The average number of plants/m² and the average number of branches laden with cotton bolls per plant were lower under Shea trees (24.07% and 27.26% respectively). The number of cotton bolls per plant decreased by 28.46% on average under the shea tree crown.

Source de publication: TROPICULTURA, 2010, 28, 4, 193-199

Contacts du ou des auteurs: D.S.J.C. Gbemavo (, R. Glèlè Kakaï (, A.E. Assogbadjo (, A. Katary2 & P. Gnanglè

Date de publication 21/11/2013
Contributeur Jean Didider akpona
Mots-clefs Ecophysiology- Agroforestry parks- Cotton- Shea butter tree- Benin