Event Geographical Information System (GIS) Training Course for Agricultural Research in Africa

The training is designed to enable the participants consider the effective use of GIS technology in planning and implementation of current agricultural researches as well as the dissemination of results. The overall objective is to enable participants understand the basic concepts of GIS and to discover how it can be applied to the context of their own research agenda in a descriptive, analytical and predictive manner. The opportunities and limitations of GIS as a tool for analysis and decision making will be discussed on the basis of ongoing research activities in the region. Emphasis will be on the basic concepts of GIS and ArcGIS, map symbology and cartographic designs, application of GIS to natural resources management and GIS modeling tools in agricultural research.

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Period [27/10/2014 - 31/10/2014]
Event location IITA, Oyo Road, Ibadan, Nigeria
Contact person
Contributor Jean Didider akpona
Geographical coverage Globale,
Keywords Agriculture, formation, SIG,

This GIS Training Course for Agricultural Research in Africa will be delivered through intensive lectures and practical sessions. Six modules have been designed for these purposes. The modules range from basic concepts of GIS and ArcGIS, processes of map symbology and cartographic design, GIS data needs for natural resources applications, application of geoprocessing and GIS modeling tools in agricultural research, designing maps with GIS to practical training on the use of Global Positioning Systems (GPS).

This training workshop is designed for participants who must be computer literate and able to manipulate data with Microsoft Excel - research scientists, people involved in statistical data collection and analysis, science lecturers/teachers etc. The training language is English.

One thousand ($1000) US Dollars or One hundred and sixty thousand (N160, 000) Naira only. This will cover group lunch, coffee, snacks and course materials and certificate of attendance to be issued at the end of the training workshop. All participants shall be responsible for their accommodation. IITA may provide accommodation for interested participants. On-campus accommodation is at the rate of $73 (N11,500) per night include breakfast while off-campus accommodation is at  the rate of $50 (N8,000) exclude meals. Participants should indicate required accommodation at least two weeks before the commencement of the workshop.
For PAYMENT INFORMATION please contact: IITA-TrainingUnit@cgiar.org