News Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund

The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund is a significant philanthropic endowment established to do the following:

  • Provide targeted grants to individual species conservation initiatives
  • Recognize leaders in the field of species conservation; and
  • Elevate the importance of species in the broader conservation debate.
Concerned URL
Release date 28/02/2014
Contributor Jean Didider akpona
Geographical coverage Europe
Keywords conservation of biodiversity

The Fund’s reach is truly global, and its species interest is non-discriminatory. It is open to applications for funding support from conservationists based in all parts of the world, and will potentially support projects focused on any and all kinds of plant, animal and fungus species, subject to the approval of an independent evaluation committee.

In addition, the Fund will recognize leaders in the field of species conservation and scientific research to ensure their important work is given the attention it deserves and to elevate the importance of species in global conservation discourse.

During 2014 the Fund would like to announce that applications received before february 28th 2014 will be reviewed and applicants will receive a reply in mid-May 2014. The following deadline for applications will be June 30th 2014 and applicants will be informed in september 2014. For more details on the application and review timetable please go to our grants timetable page.

 NB For the review period up to October 31st  2013 the Fund received almost 500 applications, but was only able to provide grants (often only part of the requested funding) to 65 new projects.

As of December 1st, 2011 the Fund is only accepting applications through the online system, and so will not be able to consider applications sent as Word document attachments to an email.

 The Fund had an initial endowment of €25,000,000, of which a small portion is spent each year on grants.  The species conservation case study section of our web site shows up-to-date information on where these funds have been allocated so far.

It is envisaged that the Fund’s establishment will act as a catalyst to attract additional donations from third party sources to ensure the Fund’s annual contribution to direct species conservation initiatives increases over time.

To view the Fund's Annual Reports, please click here.

How does the Fund work?

Why species conservation?

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