International Fondation for Science
The IFS Programme aims to support excellent individual and collaborative research, to build capability of early-career scientists in the developing world, and to contribute innovation to the sustainable management of biological and water resources. In particular, to enable young scientists to contribute to a global research community that is aiming to reduce poverty and supporting sustainable development.
Release date | 07/04/2014 |
Contributor | Jean Didider akpona |
Geographical coverage | Globale, |
Keywords | biodiversity |
The primary focus remains the promotion of excellent science through early-career research grants and capability enhancing support to individual researchers in developing countries. The IFS Strategy 2011-2020 describes the goals and strategies of the organisation for the current decade and presents the new IFS Programme divided into three parts:
Individual Research Approach
This is similar to the former IFS granting programme with some revisions to eligibility criteria. Individual early-career researchers in eligible countries may apply for research grants to undertake research projects on any aspects of the sustainable management of biological and water resources.
Collaborative Research Approach
IFS recognizes that the interlinked development challenges facing humanity increasingly require scientists to work with each other, as well as with other professions and specialists. Support will therefore be provided for collaborative research teams – including interdisciplinary teams, which combine researchers’ strengths, expertise, and experience, to address a larger topic or a research issue where more than one discipline is required.
Contributing Innovation Approach
Building on feedback received from stakeholders, a change to the IFS Programme agenda is, not only to aspire to strengthen the capability of those embarking on a research career in the developing world, but also to help scientists to find support for the actions they undertake to bring about change, in terms of their values and objectives. In other words, to promote links to those who can support the individual agency of men and women scientists, early in their career in developing countries, to put their science into use.
For more information regarding the deadlines and eligibility criteria vsisit IFS Website